Let’s Talk About You. It would be seen as absolute flattery, so we recommend strict No-No for it. Subtle little things like that will make him much happier. One of the best things you can say to a man is to compliment his intelligence. So when you tell him that he’s a great listener, it shows him that you appreciate him. You know them through and through, so you know the best compliment that will make them the happiest. I get easily upset, so for me, someone who can keep a cool head and keep me from blowing up is a jackpot boyfriend. Don’t forget, Even a guy likes to hear compliments about their personality, and more than just looks. If you are looking for answers or something to empower you, you will certainly find it in her articles. How to Compliment a Guy Be sincere. Have you ever considered that knowing how to give compliments to a guy on his personality is the key to his heart? You can make a guy feel nice especially if he has made an effort with his hair or outfit. It’s always about the little things. You really can’t go wrong with this one. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me! Being able to lift everyone up and really make a positive impact at social gatherings rocks! It’s about the kind of human being he is. Try out one of these 40 best compliments for guys and really make his day! Everyone can give him a compliment on his appearance, let’s be honest. Something that doesn’t just have to be expressed through words? Am I really doing a good job? You can never go wrong with complimenting his ambition and drive. For a guy, any compliment goes, except calling him cute, which is … Your brain always amazes me! Wherever you decide to go, you will want to get dressed up for the occasion. By thanking him for putting up with all of yours. How many people do you know who wouldn’t judge you for something you did at your worst moment? A real man knows that physical appearance can only get you so far. Can I get an amen? A compliment about his new haircut, awesome attire or new kicks will always be welcome. Look at how much they love you. I can’t tell you how many ‘men’ I broke it off with for the simple reason of being beyond immature. And don’t even get me started on how cute it’ll be when he sees the selfie you took with his mom over coffee! When you see that he’s visibly upset, ask him if everything’s all right. So a compliment on their wit can flatter the guys like nothing else. Musical compatibility is SO important. When you just feel it, without feeling the need to ruin it with words, you know you’ve got it good. So think about his absolute favorite meal that he’s probably mentioned about a million times by now and make it with great care. 1. It all ends and begins with your faith and self-love and our psychologist and theologist Tara Brown knows it best. Sometimes, the point is best made with as few words as possible. In today’s modern world, it really shouldn’t even be a question of if men should be complimented. In other words, you love his restraint. The most sure-fire way of how to compliment a guy on his personality is by never doubting it. I told you you were funny! Let this be your way of showing him you’ll never stop surprising him (in the best way possible). So if you have someone who ensures time spent with you is a priority, thank God and appreciate the heck out of him. Posted on Last updated: December 12, 2020 By: Author Ashley Knight. We’re humans and we aren’t born with certain abilities, but we learn them through our lives. Only the person who pays attention to him and really wants to get to know him can put themselves in a situation where they know what compliment will make him the happiest. Guys don’t usually pay attention to small changes their girlfriends make in their appearance and they usually suck at remembering what we said a mere month ago. I love people who instantly make you feel so giddy. 8 Perfect Ways to compliment a Guy on his personality and Looks: (With Examples) See, you may have already seen many websites which bombard you with some absolute non sense, which are no way practical. See also: When Love Becomes An Addiction: 10 Signs Of Limerence, 60 Of The Best Compliments Men LOVE Hearing. When we become parents, we overanalyze everything we do. Don’t go all detective on him the next time he tells you that he’s going on a night out with his buddies. Engage in something that’s important to him. We all want to seem smart in front of our significant other. Just kidding but intelligence mixed with humbleness is an astounding combo. Bonus points if it’s actually true! If he buys a shirt for work that really suits him or cuts his hair to make him seem more mature, you are more than welcome to compliment him on that. When you’re in a relationship or marriage, you often don’t get enough time for yourself or your friends. What if my child isn’t happy? It’s time spent catering to their needs, with the sole intention of making their tummy full and their heart happy. I don’t know anyone who works as hard as you do. If you have someone who can make friends with the most stubborn person you know, keep them and make sure they know how much you love them. – You give the best advice. Play it smart and you’ll never have to worry about a thing! If he can prove it by choosing the high road, he’s definitely got my attention. You are so handsome. Some examples would be: “Wow, that looks difficult. Every guy thinks he’s a better driver than those guys on the F1 circuit. Choose the best words too. ​You can also be the one to arrange a date or a weekend away for the two of you to spend some quality time together without distractions or the kids. I love the way you smell! Moreover, many appreciate the ooccasional observation that speaks to their … If you have to think about it, it’s been too long. Almost as much as me (but that’s impossible). Only give compliments that you genuinely mean. How great is this? – When I’m around you, I always feel invincible, so I really don’t like it when we’re apart. We all have our challenging days and we all deserve to be loved despite them. Focus on one action or aspect of the guy that you find nice, make your compliment, then carry on as normal. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, just as long as you make sure to throw in a personality compliment here and there. Even though men may not get compliments as much as women, they can still tell if you are being fake with them. You can show him that you really do appreciate him for the decisions he makes in your love life or outside of it. So it’s high time to start spending time showing your best friend that you love not only his dress sense but also his kind demeanor. And goes perfectly with yours. The sweetest compliment anyone could receive. Guys will never just approach you openly and start going off about something that really bugs them. Don’t hold back! I mean, how hard is it to act in accordance with your age? Being overly clingy is a clear sign of insecurity. Learn the answer now! Get inspired. – You work so hard for this family, I just want you to know that I appreciate it. The world. Every guy has at least one fantasy that they’re a bit hesitant to disclose to their partner. Smile at him and look him in the eyes when you say it. Commend his decision-making abilities, his impeccable judgment and, more than anything, his integrity. The Ultimate Guide On How To Compliment A Beautiful Girl's Picture, When Love Becomes An Addiction: 10 Signs Of Limerence, All You Need To Know About The Blue Personality Type, Interdependent Relationship: What One Is And How To Create One. It’ll put a smile on his face! 1. We are all well aware that men aren’t the most confident about being gentle and patient, as they are taught to be much tougher. It’s sad that many guys buy into “dude” mentality whereby they feel they must dumb down dialogue. And I mean anything he desires (within normalcy). I am so grateful to have you. Try a compliment that positively describes his personality. So let’s dive into how to compliment a guy on his personality and let’s make your guy feel lucky to have you. Therefore, compliment him even on a regular basis so that he really feels loved and happy with you. See? Don’t let him hold them in. Whenever I talked with my male friends about what they do to attract a girl, they always say that they try to make her smile or laugh. I’d do it again in a heartbeat for you.”. It’s something you do every day and no one seems to realize how much effort goes into them. – I really look up to you, you’re an inspiration to everyone around you. For me, it’s what makes me happy to be alive. Yes, guys care about their looks too. If your guy has your back through thick and thin, no questions asked, thank him. Nobody is perfect, everybody’s painfully aware of that, but if he’s close, compliment away! It shows you’re really invested. It’ll actually help him find the perfect balance and you’ll have a gentle human right by your side. But you’re different. It’s also a great way to show him that you are aware of all the qualities he possesses. Complimenting a man for looking like Brad Pitt is like praising the sky for being blue; it doesn’t really have a choice, does it? Don’t text him on an hourly basis to check up on him. Good compliments are hidden in subtle praise of the things he does right. I feel like you always take every perspective into consideration. We still need some ideas on where to start and that’s totally fine, don’t worry. Whatever his area of expertise is, praise it. They too try really hard to do nice things, be great dads and offer the best advice. – Our kids are so happy to have you as their dad! After a while, we will all get extremely frustrated and tired, especially if the things we put a lot of effort into don’t seem to give back the same energy. Also, we tend to do much more of the things that we receive praise for. – I love the way you’ve been dressing lately, it suits you very well. One thing I’m instantly attracted to is a partner who’ll show genuine care and interest in my nearest and dearest. Why Is It So Important To Never Forget Where You Came From? He has to know that you are able to see his efforts and all the sacrifices he makes. I really envy you for that. Let him enjoy a night out without you. That’s why it’s so important to compliment him on these abilities and skills. How many times have you met someone’s family and thought to yourself, how on earth anyone can put up with them? There aren’t many things I love more than walking by a guy and being devoured by his smell for 15 seconds after he’s gone. Just like women, they too put great effort into looking their best and being dedicated partners. Maybe he came home from work and he fixed that kitchen sink for you? Telling your partner that you miss him when he’s gone is extremely important to them. I bet the same goes for you. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, it’s just about the little things. A relationship needs a push here and there to help it run smoothly. Romantic gestures are always a good starter. It’s really not cute. It’s just not that obvious because they’ve have been conditioned by society to give compliments, not look for them. – Whenever you’re gone for a long time, I stop feeling like myself. If you have that one person whose mere presence lights up your entire day just like that, be sure to appreciate them! – My friends and family are absolutely crazy about you! And it’s the truth! Let your guy know he can talk to you anytime, day or night. Men who clean the house, do the other chores and don’t complain about it are the real heroes. We are all well aware that men aren’t the most confident about being gentle and patient. Now, this could pertain to his personal hygiene, his general mind/body/soul upkeep or simply always being on top of things. Disclaimer: You are not obligated to compliment his bad jokes. And what better way than to unwind and let loose on a well-deserved night out! “Why, thank you, babe. – You are the only person in this world who is able to make me feel safe and sound. Being a gym buff ain’t easy. Saying you’re handsome isn’t as common as you might think. Resilience is such an attractive quality. You make decisions like it’s no big deal! For a girl, compliments about her looks, her charming personality and great sense of style are always well received. You might want to go for a meal out, or you might want to go to the local pub. Guys like an honest and sincere compliment. How amazing is it when someone cherishes your presence so much? Some examples that might help you compliment him on his hard work: – You are truly a jack of all trades! Even if it seems like it’s something minor, like him changing the lightbulb or washing the dishes, he’s still going to appreciate a compliment just as you would. Do you know what I mean? – I have never met a man as emotionally mature as you are. 99 Best Compliments For Men That Will Make His Day. • A genuine compliment from a romantic partner shows that their efforts never go unnoticed. It’s obvious that they’re so inspired by you. Can you imagine your reaction if someone told you this? 1. Let him explain basketball to you. There is no one in this world who is as deserving of my love as you are. – Your friends really appreciate you a lot. Decide how to deliver the compliment. It’s easy to tell him that he looks like Brad Pitt, it’s easy to compliment him on a new hairstyle or any of his other physical attributes. – You always smell so nice. I know sometimes it might seem like I don’t see your efforts, but believe me I do. Everyone is drawn to you. I’m going to give you 11 different scenarios you can use to compliment a man, but know that you’re not limited to just these. Complimenting a guy on how he looks is like stating the obvious, but what will happen to his heart when you tell him how much you appreciate the work he puts into your relationship? Just something you know he’ll be really happy about. There are many compliments that you can give to a guy which are sincere and highly effective. – It makes me so proud to have you by my side! However, a simple compliment can make … Read More. Pretty stinking cute if you ask me. You always listen to what I have to say! It’s just a little white lie that won’t hurt anyone. He doesn’t need to prove toughness with violence. Now you know all the tricks of how to compliment a guy, it’s time to get out there and get started – you … Good food from a solid dude is the dream! Give recognition where it’s due and make your guy feel truly appreciated for something other than how his hair looks that day. He’ll feel like you know and understand him better than anyone else, and he never want to let you go. A huge aspect of anyone’s personality, not just men, is their intelligence and intellect. Does your partner have a lot of friends that seem to love and adore him almost as much as you do? – Did you really read all that? I’ll leave the details to you but let me just say this much; guys LOVE knowing they’re doing you right under the sheets. If I was told this, I’d feel really pleased! Cooking for someone is a labor of love in its own way. It’s a huge ego boost for him when he can make your lips curl at the ends into the most beautiful smile. 4. He’ll know that you’re doing it for him and feel extremely thankful for your efforts. Tag: how to compliment a guy on his personality. – I am so happy that you are in tune with your emotions, that’s so important. As beautiful as words can be, at the end of the day, they’re just that; words. See also: He Calls Me Beautiful: Find Out What He REALLY Means. See also: 20 Things You Should Keep In Mind When Dating A Shy Guy. How much do you love a man who keeps pushing forward even when everything is going against him? Even if you say it a million times, he’ll still love to hear it. – When you told that joke, everyone laughed so hard. I myself am pretty passionate about things. You don’t have to make these comments all the time, because that’ll make them seem forced. – You light up the room when you walk in! Being able to talk your way out of something takes a lot of skill. Any of these will do, but let’s be honest, the best compliment you can give him for his sense of humor is if you genuinely laugh. Having a good sense of humor of course! By not wanting to change a single thing about it. Rather use them when you know your partner feels especially insecure or just randomly to remind him of your love for him. When you’re complimenting your friends, it’s always so easy. – There’s nothing you can’t do, is there? Don’t fish for a return compliment. – I wouldn’t want anyone else next to me but you. If you’re not good with the spoken word, try writing him a letter, telling him about all the things you love about him. Don’t stop reminding him! 4. Can you imagine a more powerful compliment? In a relationship, it is not only a girl who loves to hear the compliment. See also: 20 Reasons Why You Should Go Ahead And Buy Yourself Flowers. So if you compliment men on their personality and efforts, they will proceed to work more on these parts of themselves. Everyone is entitled to having a life outside of their relationship. However, it’s a struggle for everyone. When you think about how to compliment a guy on his personality, you might find yourself stuck. If this is the case, you should really compliment your partner on his social skills. The best advice on how to compliment a guy on his personality is to let him embrace it fully! Okay, this may be a little cheesy but if you’re truly in love with this person, who cares? I think people need to go back to basics and remind themselves of the simplicity of love. I know what you are probably thinking: “I thought you said we weren’t going to do the same hum and drum compliments?” But hear me out. What good is a guy who’ll just curl up in a corner and refuse to make himself seen? You can use these compliments when the two of you two cuddle – just throw them in like a cherry on top. Guys like having intelligent, meaningful conversation. It isn’t always easy to make a decision. – Stop, my stomach hurts from laughing, you’re hilarious! Well, you see, complimenting his looks can be part of this as well. If he aced it, praise him. If he’s smart or clever, let him know! You’re remarkable! This isn’t a common compliment men receive, so for them to hear this means that it’s very authentic. He will feel understood and heard. You deserve someone who’ll make you pee laughing! Men can be extremely self-conscious, so when you know how to compliment a guy on his personality, it’s not just to boost his self-confidence, but also to remind him why you’re the perfect match for him. Your opinion means a lot to them. You can use the 40 best compliments for guys as texts, in love letters or you can just tell your boyfriend them. How will I know if I am a good parent? You are absolutely charming. Here are 12 kinds of compliments men absolutely can’t resist… 1. Compliment A Guy On His Choice Of Outfit​ When you want to go out for a night out with your guy, you will have a discussion as to where you want to go. Cheese on toast… I know. here is your banner. – I don’t think I’ve ever experienced true love until I met you. And if he’s not braggy about it, marry him now! If you don’t have kids of your own, this is a great sign that he’ll be a really caring dad. However, when you compliment a man for the hard work he puts into your romantic relationship and the little things he does that scream I love you, it bumps up his self-esteem and strengthens your connection. Not only will it boost his confidence and let him know how important he is to you, but also, compliments beget more compliments, so really, you’re doing yourself a favor! The best advice on how to compliment a guy on his personality is to let him embrace it fully! Generally speaking, compliments made in person are the most effective. Compliment their looks. Your boyfriend doesn’t have to be a body builder for you to compliment his body. Priceless, right? Likewise, if you praise a man for his professional success or his determination to achieve his goals, you are giving him the boost he needs to work more to improve his life and his social status. This is especially visible when your partner doesn’t see the effort you put into your romantic relationship. Even if it’s a teeny, tiny white lie, who cares? He might not be aware of it, but you see it and it’s there. It’s really not that boring. Some men aren’t even aware of their need for words of affirmation, which is why so many men don’t feel valued by their … For instance, if you tell a guy ''you are smart'' is a light compliment. I can see all the effort you put into everything you do. You might be wondering why we’re putting looks into the equation if this is an article about how to compliment a guy on his personality. Of course,you can compliment boys with the same old-school phrases like, “You are handsome” or “You are strong”. Just ask him what’s going on, because you can probably read his emotions quite well by now. "All men know a lot about something, even if it's sports," Belknap says. There’s nothing like a work-type compliment to make him (secretly) blush. We all love to be commended for our hard work. Every man knows that, and yes, they really do pay a lot of attention to the compliments they receive. You’ve probably heard one of my favorite sayings: ‘The fastest way to a man’s heart is his stomach’. – You’re always so patient and gentle with me and the kids. The. So if my guy and I aren’t on the same page music-wise, it’s simply not going to work. Sometimes, you just have to appreciate his physical appearance. And it’s so important knowing how to compliment a guy on his personality. #4 His physique. Tell him to share with you his deepest wishes and do your best to fulfill them. • It can prolong your relationship and help you enjoy a healthy, strong bond based on equal appreciation. Copyright © 2021 Think aloud | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, To The Guy Who Doesn't Know It's His Loss And Not Mine, How To Respond When He Says He's Busy? Men love to be of service to their partner. Ask any girl and she’ll tell you that boys who put effort into looking good can’t be matched. So do it now! See also: Why Is It So Important To Never Forget Where You Came From? Heart. It doesn’t matter if he’s book smart or street smart, he is still smart and you can point that out. Don’t be that girl! When was the last time you told the father of your children that he was a great dad? Complimenting a guy isn’t nuclear science. But here’s a secret. Remember: the more compliments you give, the less memorable each compliment will be. Telling someone that they’re emotionally mature makes them feel extremely special and heard. Compliment his intelligence. Personality compliments for men. There are no results for the term you are looking for. (Don’t mind if I do). Your friends or relatives are really fun-loving and entertaining The most sure-fire way of how to compliment a guy on his personality is by never doubting it. 6. It will make him feel good, and his buddies will be jealous that he has such a cool partner." Again, men like this aren’t all that common. I knew you’d do this perfectly, you never disappoint. Your guy will still be thinking about that really nice thing you told him long after you’ve said it. – I know that it’s really hard to make the right decision sometimes, but you always do it so well. How amazing is it if your guy actually does look like this A-list celebrity and STILL, his personality is the best part about him? Show him that you don’t find his hobbies boring or boyish. How To Compliment A Guy? Like taking him somewhere special, arrange a weekend away… that type of thing? You can probably already see his jaw on the floor upon entering the house and him rushing toward the table with a giant grin on his face. Tell him how you love his voice And if it’s truly the case, you’re one lucky lady. Any praise concerning one (or all) of these abilities will surely end in one very happy partner. here is your banner. Choose your timing carefully. Great work!” or “You’re so hardworking!” could be a great way to compliment a guy’s effort. "You may not like sports, but it certainly won't hurt to compliment him on his knowledge. I really do believe we’re soulmates. You’ll make his heart melt! Why Is It SO Important To Offer Men Sincere Compliments? They love to please. But being respectful, loyal, attentive and gracious in his intentions are things we all deserve in a man. So let’s see all the variations that you can consider: – Whenever you leave, I count the seconds until you come back. Trust your man and let him do his thing. If you want to give him a sincere compliment, aim for his sense of humor and general vibes. Let him show you how to play that video game. – I knew you’d do this perfectly, you never disappoint. Your partner’s no different. And I’m sure he feels just as proud to have you. OK, not really but you know it’s true! I don’t need a guy to treat me like a damsel in distress. His wit. My relationship with my sisters is something I’m so proud of. I’m perfectly fine holding my own. When complimenting a guy, take heed -- your words can easily shift from cute to creepy if you aren't careful. – I think you should wear that color more often, it suits your eyes / hair / skin tone. Play it smart and you’ll never have to worry about a thing! People love knowing they’re appreciated. 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