If you read the directions on the oil filter it usually tells you to coat the O-ring gasket with oil and then spin it on until it bottoms, then turn an additional ¾ of a turn by hand. Mobil 1 M1-107 oil filter cut open2004 Silverado 5.3L V8 78K miles on truck. When looking between each pleate there is some small metal particles some of which is copper colored. Familiarize yourself with these images and know what you are looking at when it comes to bearing appearance. Examine the bearings and crankshaft for indications of an irregular wear pat, tern. Hold the tool with one hand and use the other to rotate the filter. ris, and in serious cases, can look like a lack of lubrication failure. A smeared bearing will have some displacement of the lead-tin overlay, usually at the center of the bearing. S, Someone with sinister intent might change the oil to make the damage match their story, but they hardly ever think to change the filter. The oil fi lter becomes a time capsule. Bearings damaged from debris will have either scratches or embedded debris, and in serious cases, can look like a lack of lubrication failure. The most probable causes of major engine failure are overheating, lubrication (lack of or contamination of), abrasive grit, detonation, and mis-assembly. 53' Stude. If the filtration element becomes completely clogged, this valve allows oil to bypass the filter, protecting the engine from oil starvation. A seized bearing is the final stage in the progression of damage caused by insufficient oil film. Currently, I have it soaking with bb blaster spray to lube good. The oil filter becomes a time capsule. Looking at tool ideas one morning, I wanted a project which I could do with an emphasis on building my own to strengthen my fabrication skills, I decided to make an oil filter cutter. To open the old oil filter, you need to put the car in a hole or lift it with a jackscrew. Someone with sinister intent might change the oil to make the damage match their story, but they hardly ever think to change the filter. $11.99 shipping. Why would you be cutting open a Oil Filter anyways. Oil Filter Analysis. FREE Shipping by Amazon . The two images below are normal bearings: Our expertise wins the confidence and respect of your customer. Usually, bearing polishing is not serious because the oil film, is restored after a very short period of time. The ultimate goal for all valid claims is indemnification of the claimant. I will that’s cool. If you do see evidence of metal, another quickie … ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT SAVING MONEY ON YOUR CLAIMS ? Polishing of a bearing occurs when the oil film between the bearing and crankshaft journal decreases for an instant. The oil filter analysis I discussed above is an importan, t component of failure analysis for all categories, and it is the easiest to accomplish because no engine disassembly is required. Office 603-569-8910 | Mobile 603-387-9237. Next, tighten the cuter against the filter can. If your engine is suspected of having damage to any of the critical parts, it most likely has metal in the oil filter. We will provide as little or as much service as you require to achieve indemnification. In my opinion, it is well worth the money. 4.6 out of 5 stars 74. Experience has taught us that as your field representative, the insureds or claimants judge your company by the service they receive from us. The two images below are normal bearings: Below is a link to my YouTube Channel with a video of me cutting an oil filter open for analysis. I decided to cut open my oil filter with a pair of sheet metal sheers hoping not to contaminate it. Bearings damaged from debris will have either scratches or embedded debris, and in serious cases, can look like a lack of lubrication failure. When an engine owner experiences a failure, he might make a claim regardless of whether it has been established that a loss occurred. When the oil filter on your car was stuck and wouldn't budge, you tried the old trick of driving a screwdriver through the filter to get leverage and loosen the filter. I don't htink I'll put a Wix on, but I'll change it every 5K. When you consider that, our service costs you nothing! Educated, intelligent, and of high moral character, Tom represents his clients as their in-the-field customer service representative with impartiality and integrity. Reactions: 53' Stude. This is a normal condition that can occur during starts, high oil temperatures or extreme loading. Insurance claims for mechanical damage to engines fall into three major categories: introduction of a contaminant by alleged vandalism, sudden volumetric loss of oil by alleged vandalism, and overturn by physical rollover of the vehicle during operation. The oil filter analysis I discussed above is an important component of failure analysis for all categories, and it is the easiest to accomplish because no engine disassembly is required. In the majority of these claims, lack of lubrication or contaminated lubricant is the cause of damage. Don't despair. Jendsley06, Docwagon1776 and W4RL0CK like this. filter element after a major bearing failure. It will reveal the condition of the engine immediately prior to the catastrophe that ensued. See if the results match! Lack of lubrication damage refers to an insufficient film of oil between the crankshaft journal and bearing. The most probable causes of major engine failure are overheating, lubrication (lack of or contamination of), abrasive grit, detonation, and mis-assembly. The first stage of lack of lubrication failure for a bearing is smearing. Tom is an expert on the mechanical functions of most types of diesel powered equipment. An engine will normally be disassembled for one of two reasons: when an engine has high hours or miles or when an engine has experienced a failure. The two images below are normal bearings: Below is a link to a video of me cutting an oil filter open for analysis. It will leave a sharp edge on both the can and the filter mount. Another quickie oil analysis technique is to use a clean coffee filter and put a small amount of the drained crankcase oil, trans fluid, whatever you're trying to check metal of, inside. But, including all claims, regardless of measurable savings or not, our customers still save at least 17% after they pay our service bill. See if the results match! Mechanical claims – Do not tell them to take it apart! It will cut open filters from 3 to 6-1/2 inches in diameter. Oil filter housings pretty much always have a screw-threaded cap and are removable with a socket. I fabricated an oil filter cutter to cut open aviation and auto oil filters for pleat inspection after oil changes and and during inspection. That’s 29% savings! With the metal case I couldn't figure out a real easy way to do it without getting bunch of the metal … Turn the filter a couple of turns, then modestly tighten the adjuster and turn some more. Hi, in this video I show the parts of AC Delco PF 46e, a oil filter. 55 $42.99 $42.99. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. L. Lubener. It will reveal the condition of the engine immediately prior to the catastrophe that ensued. The "felt" end caps and seal are all that keeps the oil inside the filtered area (exterior area) which the oil is pressurized and pushed through the media and into the center area thus circulating cleaner oil back into the engine (which I'm sure you already knew). ack of lubrication damage refers to an insufficient film of oil between the crankshaft journal and bearing. It will reveal the condition of the engine immediately prior to the catastrophe that ensued. New Hampshire Massachusetts Vermont Maine Upstate New York. More Buying … Fresh oil will clean sludge and filter is a great place to look for it. Use a filter wrench to loosen the oil filter if you can’t loosen it by hand. Tom achieves his clients' confidence through knowledgeable, professional service and comprehensive, expedient claims handling. Tom Fergus has been a professional independent claims adjuster since 1990. An engine will normally be disassembled for one of two reasons: when an engine has high hours or miles or when an engine has experienced a failure. Someone with sinister intent that is mechanically savvy might change both, but he can't use new oil because he has to make it look used. How to Use: After removing the oil filter from the engine and draining the used oil from filter, 1) Place the oil filter’s center hole … A scuffed bearing shows additional displacement of material, caused by extreme heat. Lack of lubrication can be caused by low oil level, wrong, oil viscosity and other conditions that degrade engine oil such as the presence of water or anti-freeze, or oil contamination. Messages 4,874 Location Northern Ohio. Examine the bearings and crankshaft for indications of an irregular wear pattern. All claims do not come with a demand amount or estimated repair cost. I recently cut open a spin-on diesel engine oil filter. Didn’t note what this was off of. Simply pull the folds apart with your fingers and examine inside them for foreign material. It will reveal the condition of the engine immediately prior to the catastrophe that ensued. s, lack of lubrication or contaminated lubricant is the cause of damage. The first stage of lack of lubrication failure for a bearing is smearing. How to remove an oil filter cap. A smeared bearing progresses very quickly to a scuffed bearing if the oil film is not restored. Often we ne. Our expertise wins the confidence and respect of your customer. Once you’ve cut open your oil filter, you’ll want to disassemble all of the pieces of the filter to access the paper filter media. When a machine overturns while it is running, oil stops circulating very quickly due to the loss of oil pressure. Heavy Equipment Claims Appraisal & Adjustment, National Truck & Heavy Equipment Claims Council. Says “Honda” circled near country of origin. That compresses the square cut O-ring too much, making removal much harder. Get it as soon as Wed, Feb 3. Sample the oil inside the filter and take a second sample from the sump. Messages 615 Location USA. 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Often we need to determine which came first, the failure, or the "loss"? Try to loosen the filter by hand first, then turn the oil filter counterclockwise with a filter wrench to loosen it if it is stuck on. top end cap/ADBV separated soon as I opened and tried to remove element. Examine the bearings and crankshaft for indications of an irregular wear pattern. comes to bearing appearance. Replace oil and filter at every interval. Someone with sinister intent that is mechanically savvy might change both, but he can't use new oil because he has to make it look used. Sample the oil inside the filter and take a second sample from the sump. This filter was purchased at the largest auto parts dealer network in the United States and it was made by one of the leading filter manufacturers in the U.S. determine which came first, the failure, or the "loss"? When an engine owner experiences a failure, he might make a claim regardless of whether it has been established that a loss occurred. A smeared bearing will have some displacement of the lead-tin overlay, usually at the center of the bearing. JEGS Oil Filter Cutting Tool | Fits Filters Up To 5 1/2 Inch Diameter | Operates Like A Can Opener | Black Finish. Twisted 3 times and the filter can was cut. Thread starter 53' Stude; Start date Jan 3, 2021; 5. He has repair shop experience in gasoline and diesel engine mechanics, body damage repair, frame and alignment, and refinishing. Bearings damaged from debris will have either scratches. See if the results match! Familiarize yourself with these images and know what you are looking at when it comes to bearing appearance. I ran a magnet through and … Don't buy repairs for engines that suffered a mechanical failure that is not a covered loss, or worse, where no damage occurred. Most times the engine oil filter is not too hard to remove, but occasionally you may encounter a very difficult one. Hold it around a light and you can see if there's metal (will be shiny and sparkle) left. Someone with sinister intent that is mechanically savvy might change both, but he can't use new oil because he has to make it. When a machine overturns while it is running, oil stops circulating very quickly due to the loss of oil pressure. Messages 16,293 Location In the shop. Once open the paper element simply lifts out – be aware that with both filters a fair amount of oil may come out when you loosen them. The screwdriver just ripped the filter case, however, and now you have a shredded or mangled oil filter and an oily mess on your hands. The bed pan has a large enough sump to catch oil and will hold the oil filter, this can be found at most medical supply stores. our service costs you nothing! So, cut it open and change it every time. 5000 mile interval with any synthetic oil will be just fine. Lack of lubrication can be caused by low oil level, wrong oil viscosity and other conditions that degrade engine oil such as the presence of water or anti-freeze, or oil contamination. In fact, we’ve found that measurable savings can only be calculated on 40% of all claims. My question is how can I cut … I tried using 2 separate oil wrenches and screw driver before going to this option . When a machine overturns while it is running, oil stops circulating very quickly due to the loss of oil pressure. Following a fairly simple procedure using a readily available tool and a … Call me anal or nuts, but Purolator … We have worked claims on every category where we were able to prove the claim meritless through failure analysis that showed that the real source of damage was not a covered loss. So, you have a cap on expenses…what is your cap on over-paying claims? Since we started tracking claim amounts, we have saved our customers almost $636,000 on over $2.2 million in submitted claims. This is a normal condition that can occur during starts, high oil temperatures or extreme loading. The oil filter analysis I discussed above is an important component of failure analysis for all categories, and it is the easiest to accomplish because no engine disassembly is required. Polishing of a bearing occurs when the oil film between the bearing and crankshaft journal decreases for an instant. I cut open a FRAM PH6017A motorcycle oil filter with around 3,000 miles on it. An engine will normally be disassembled for one of two, e has high hours or miles or when an engine has experienced a failure. Jan 3, 2021 #1 Another filter from getawheel. How to cut open an oil filter. Not all claims produce savings. In a clean environment, you can pull apart the filter medium to see what (if any) has been trapped in the pleats. To use the cutter, set the filter on the two bearings so that it will cut the filter "can" just below the mounting flange. Anyway, I don't normally do cut and post, but since this one is bound to be the proverbial train wreck, it might be amusing to do so. Familiarize yourself with these images and know what you are looking at when it. Tom is an expert negotiator. Not all savings are measurable. The fluid will drain and the residue should stay in the filter. Your claim + Our expertise = Indemnification. I experimented with zip-lock bags and at one time cut out a washer fluid bottle. look used. H. HowAboutThis. Someone with sinister intent might change the oil to make the damage match their story, but they hardly ever think to change the filter. North Eastern Truck & Equipment Claims, Inc. You can buy model-specific housing sockets so check what … It was on the bike when i got it 2 months ago. $63.46 $ 63. But people think that more is better and they crank the hell out of it. Clients include insurance companies that provide physical damage coverage for all types of commercial trucks, trailers, buses, fire & rescue apparatus, cranes and off-road construction and forestry equipment in Northern New England. QuickCar Racing Products 64-730 Oil Filter Cutter Tool. Friends car as a Purolator classic filter on it that has something like 12,000 miles on it (I know because I installed it). How to cut open a filter. If that's the case, then I'm not sure there's a point in mailing the filter to someone to open up. Oct 31, 2020 #16 Well constructed filters for the money. In the. The oil filter becomes a time capsule. We have worked claims on every category where we were able to prove the claim meritless through failure analysis that showed that the real source of damage was not a covered loss. Insurance claims for mechanical damage to engines fall into three major categories: introduction of a contaminant by alleged vandalism, sudden volumetric loss of oil by alleged vandalism, and overturn by physical rollover of the vehicle during operation. You follow this turn-then-tighten procedure until the … Oct 31, 2020 #17 53' Stude said: This filter and … You just need to get it started so you will be able to screw it off all the way by hand. Often we need to determine which came first, the failure, or the "loss"? A minute amount is OK but if you find large chucks or metal flake, you know you have a serious problem. 46. Lack of lubrication can be caused by low oil level, wrong oil viscosity and other conditions that degrade engine oil such as the presence of water or anti-freeze, or oil contamination. Lack of lubrication damage refers to an insufficient film of oil between the crankshaft journal and bearing. Don't buy repairs for engines that suffered a mechanical failure that is not a covered loss, or worse, where no damage occurred. Please email us and we can give you a service cost estimate based on the travel distance and the level of service required. Inside an oil filter is: A primary full-flow filter is accompanied by a secondary bypass filter. A smeared bearing progresses very quickly to a scuffed bearing if the oil film is not restored. filter element after a major bearing failure. Joined: Sep 6, 2013 Messages: 671 Location: under a shady tree. A seized bearing is the final stage in the progression of damage caused by insufficient oil film. Don't buy repairs for engines that suffered a mechanical failure that is not a covered loss, or worse, where no damage occurred. Insurance claims for mechanical damage to engines fall in, to three major categories: introduction of a contaminant by alleged vandalism, sudden volumetric loss of oil by alleged vandalism, and overturn by physical rollover of the vehicle during operation. In the majority of these claims, lack of lubrication or contaminated lubricant is the cause of damage. The oil filter becomes a time capsule. BOSCH OIL FILTER CUT OPEN. If I … Sample the oil inside the filter for lab analysis. Usually, bearing polishing is not serious because the oil film is restored after a very short period of time. It's often a very large socket (sometimes up to 36mm). Remove the filter from the engine and cut it open. On average, where claim payment savings is measurable, customers save 29% on the submitted claim amount, without sacrificing quality of repair or safety, while providing cost-efficient service. Discussion in 'Shop Talk' started by movindirt, Jan 14, 2017. movindirt Senior Member. When an engine owner experiences a failure, he might make a claim regardless of whether it has been established that a loss occurred. Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Claims: New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Upstate New York. For some fun mud season action, check out Discovery Channel's new series, is running, oil stops circulating very quickly due to the loss of oil pressure. This is a normal condition that can occur during starts, high oil temperatures or extreme loading. Sample the oil inside the filter and take a second sample from the sump. Final stage in the progression of damage to remove the stuck oil filter pretty. Not sure there 's metal ( will be able to screw it off all the way hand! And bearing some of which is copper colored follow this turn-then-tighten procedure until the How! Images below are normal bearings: below is a normal condition that can occur during,... And sparkle ) left joined: Sep 6, 2013 Messages: Location... 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