The remaining 4% include other faiths, such as Samaritans, Hindus, Baha’i’s, Buddhists, Neopagans, and African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem. Syncretism means taking beliefs and practices from other religions and pasting them into yours. Avi Ezri ibid formulates a similar idea, arguing the critical category is what is considered one’s “home.” There are resonances of this idea in Tosafot, Avodah Zarah 21b s.v. The majority of the population in Israel are followers of Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism. Some reject modern values in favor of (a particular interpretation of) Torah values; others seek to reconcile the two pragmatically as a concession to reality; and others interpret the Torah, often in creative ways, to bring modernity and Torah closer together on the level of values. Similar to the acceptance of Jews in the 1950’s as one of the 3 faiths of America, despite their small numbers, there is new atmosphere of religious pluralism. It does not lead to fruitful discussion that leads to responsibility. For him, all commonality would be existentially false. The important point of all these texts and discussions is to avoid the false dichotomy between a medieval exclusivism or a modern pluralist individualism. Rabbi Henkin is arguing, in a striking formulation, that we should relate to these laws as we do the laws of the rebellious son – derosh ve-kabbel sakhar, they are not meant to be implemented, but rather exist solely so we can learn the laws and be rewarded! Jewish Tolerance for Eastern Religions Despite these rulings, from the beginning of the modern era, some Jewish scholars began to see Eastern religions in a more positive light. It seems to me that a rabbi cannot be found in Israel with a brain and common sense, that thinks we must respond this way, meaning that this is our obligation by the law of the holy Torah…. For most of the last two thousand years, Jews were rarely in a position to prosecute practitioners of other religions – they had their own problems to worry about. Whereas in Israel one is obligated to actively seek out and eradicate idolatry, in the Diaspora one must only destroy idols that end up in his domain, but need not seek them out. judaism does not teach that it is the only true religion, and accepts that people of other faiths can be righteous. government. We have to be open to the multiple voices that can speak to the various sides of this discussion. Universalist texts include: Saadyah, Ibn Garibol, Ibn Ezra, Maimonidian commentators, Immanuel of Rome, Nathanel ibn Fayumi, Mendelssohn, Israel Lipschutz, Luzzatto, Mendel Hirsch, Menashe ben Israel, Elijah Benamozegh, Henry Pereira Mendes, Joseph Hertz. 19 terms. Tolerance by Syncretism . Judaism and Other Religions is essential for a Jewish theological understanding of the various issues in encounters with other religions. In addition, many are unaware that there are numerous references in Jewish texts to Eastern religions, especially Brahmins, and Indian religions. Whereas in the 1950’s people saw America as Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, now every county has Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and others. There was a time when we met others only as foreigners – as travelers in strange locations. In order to learn about other religions and to see ourselves through the eyes of the other, we have to acknowledge that when we encounter religious people outside of Judaism we are addressing another religious community. angeladixon2012. Rabbi Menachem Kasher (ch. Encountering others is not a zero-sum- game of exclusivism or relativism. Recently, the chief rabbis of Israel have met with Hindu religious leaders in India and issued a joint statement that “their respective traditions teach that there is One supreme Being who is the Ultimate reality, who has created this world.”. It is a timely reference for colleges and universities and for makers of public policy. They should also know that extremists on either side are not part of dialogue; rather, dialogue aims to remove the ground from beneath extremists. So it makes no sense to berate people because they believe differently. Hospitality is simultaneously theological and ethical; it teaches us not to make serious misrepresentations of the other and to meet others in a way that makes demands upon us for welcome. On the other hand, Voltaire in his writings on religion was spiteful and intolerant of the practice of the Christian religion, [citation needed] and Orthodox rabbi Joseph Telushkin has claimed that the most significant of Enlightenment hostility against Judaism was found in Voltaire. Should Christians be tolerant of other religious beliefs? The fact that objects of worship differ greatly from one local community to another is responsible for this incredibly high level of tolerance. ... Al-Issa says Islam respects other religions and guarantees the rights of all people to religious choice. At its most particular, Judaism has a tribal view of itself as the only possessor of morality and portrays contemporary gentiles as bereft of morals. Tolerance was now formulated in a stronger version, as a positive respect for and even admiration of many of the things that distinguish other religions from Judaism, making each uniquely valuable. [10] Another strong contender is the obligation to execute idolators, but as there are no halakhic courts with the ability to impose criminal punishments, this is not addressed by modern authorities. Religion offers an essential means of providing dignity, sanctity, and spirituality to meet these new challenges. All of them do play a role and all of them continue to be used in the community. Saltar al contenido principal. While the influence of Lurianic cosmology has certainly waned with modernity, these texts nevertheless occasionally and surprisingly appear in the rhetoric of contemporary Jewish separatists and are cited by anti-Semites eager to prove the racism of Judaism. How do we balance our multifaith world with the Jewish texts? His interlocutors assume that while modern sensibilities may encourage religious tolerance, halakhah does not. Let me make clear that what I am presenting is not dialogue, but rather a precursor to any encounter that I envision between Judaism and other religions. We need to move beyond bitterness, both in our relationship with the Church and in our own self-understanding of our place in the world community. Evangelicals have been the biggest supporters of Christian Zionism and have funded mainly Orthodox Jews to move to Israel as part of nefesh benefesh. For Rabbi Sacks, we can witness the piety, ethics, or even God of other religions as a manifestation of the God of Abraham, even while acknowledging that their religion is different from Judaism. We need to come to the table with the breath and depth of our conviction. Lehrhaus Over Shabbos, The Lehrhaus is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for The Lehrhaus to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Over time, Catholics began to address the very nature of their relationship with Judaism, and the problematic elements were overcome. Honestly, other answers simply share common feelings on the matter but are not consistent with Orthodox Judaism. The most mainstream perspective is that suggested by Rabbi Kasher in his response. May 30, to June 1, 2012), ed. yes. Source: Arab News. In other words, Judaism was the first monotheistic religion. Religious tolerance also teaches individuals to be more loving and trusting while enacting the trait of love thy neighbor and thy enemy. By helping students understand the roots of varying faiths, we help them to better comprehend the reasons behind divergent national and international religious beliefs. This lesson offers a starting point for exploring religions and faith traditions, creating an ongoing respectful dialogue about religious tolerance. But most non-Jewish Americans are unable to answer some basic factual questions about Jewish practices, including about the Jewish Sabbath and New Year. Our religious community has a robust tradition of varying interpretations of the texts, often yielding competing understandings. Does that work theologically? Chosenness and the special status of Israel itself are not the problem. Even if we assume that when we accepted the state with this condition the Jewish government would violate a prohibition when we fulfill this condition, even so I would say “the prohibition is overridden to save the lives of the Jewish nation,” when we pay attention to the situation of the nation in the world. With passion and clarity, Brill argues that in today's world of strong religious passions and intolerance, it is necessary to go beyond secular tolerance toward moderate and mediating religious positions. These laws are relevant today, because while Islam is generally not understood to be idolatry, Catholicism (even for non-Jews) is subject to a dispute and quite possibly is idolatry. The original definition of tolerance and the way in which the word is used now are quite different. They were a part of the Ten Lost Tribes that were forced out of the Kingdom of Israel after … We should not kiss every hand extended to us, nor expect every initiative to be successful. If all we each have is our own subjective practices without any grounding, then it is a pluralism of human stories, not religion. R. Hirsch was not advocating the denial of Abraham’s differences from the religiosity in Ur of the Chaldeans; rather he grasped both elements. Rather, for him, we can only speak as humans; God is not part of reality. They dedicate themselves to the Divine purpose of bringing happiness to the world by serving as model for all nations and to restore mankind. 20 terms. Elsewhere, however, the law seems to be viewed differently. Inclusivism situates itself between these two extremes, where one acknowledges that many communities possess their own traditions and truths, but maintains the importance of one’s comprehension as culminating, or subsuming other truths. Without question, we value all … Any thoughts on these topics will have many ramifications for the Jewish self-understanding of our place in the world. Compared with other Americans, U.S. Jews have relatively high levels of religious knowledge – including about non-Jewish religions like Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. Rambam (Hilkhot Avodah Zarah 9:4) assumes that Catholicism is idolatry; Rama (Darkei Moshe Orah Hayim 156:2) assumes, based on a particular understanding of Tosafot, that it is not (for non-Jews), though he is famously challenged by the Noda Be-Yehuda (Shut Noda Be-Yehuda 2, Yoreh Deah 148). Knowing the Jewish texts about other religions means that Judaism does indeed have different rules than other religions. The key difference between Judaism and the other religions of the ancient times is the it thought that there was one God for all people. My starting point is, therefore, not tolerance based on eighteenth-century Enlightenment ideas that would discuss religious encounter in secular terms. Judaism and Other Religions is essential for a Jewish theological understanding of the various issues in encounters with other religions. Who made a convenant with God which was the beginning of Judaism? He has smicha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, an MA in Jewish Philosophy from Bernard Revel Graduate School and a BA from the Honors Program at Yeshiva College. This commandment to destroy idolatry is referred to by the Talmud as the “positive commandment [associated with] idolatry” (Sanhedrin 90a). Emphatically, yes. All group's beliefs and practices are equally valid. Ethics One's own group possesses the truth; other religious groups contain parts of the truth. This approach would have guaranteed that the Jewish community would not have been speaking to Catholics or Protestants in the early days of Jewish-Christian reconciliation. Judaism and Other Religions is essential for a Jewish theological understanding of the various issues in encounters with other religions. [12] Thanks to Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier for making this point. Jews need to put aside their frightened mentality and recognize the age in which we live. You can also review our Article Title or Author index. It is important to note how the confusion created in recent decades when the word covenant is used for a person’s individual religious commitments rather than a universalism. Facing others in a post-secular age, therefore, means that we must choose the moderate positions from within our own tradition as a basis for discussion. If ever there was a law that was the antithesis of the value of religious tolerance, the law to destroy idolatry is it. Requiring shared motives is unfair and unreasonable. I met a young rabbi who in his false humility and modern emphasis of the self, told a group of Imams that he cannot speak about God in Judaism since one can never be certain about God. If we respect the Orthodox restrictions on dialogue and at the same time we are not seeking to find converts through theological discussion-- then what is our activity? Often it ignores those criticisms, and it has continued to survive and even thrive. For most of the last two thousand years, Jews were rarely in a position to prosecute practitioners of other religions – they had their own problems to worry about. Rather than avoiding them, we must acknowledge their existence and then distance ourselves from them. The Saudis may not yet be ready for religious tolerance, but right now, Muslims from Minnesota to Malaysia are seeking dialogue as a means of overcoming Western stereotypes of their faith. tolerance [ tol-er-uh-ns ] (noun) a fair, open, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own Suggested Procedure. Another opposite of intolerance is to learn to engage in practical work together. Mosques, halal shops, Bahai Temples, are in my seemingly Jewish neighborhood, and Hindu and Buddhist altars with food offerings are ever present in my local shopping area. Rabbi Shaar Yashuv Cohen, the current chief rabbi of Haifa offers a Rav Kook inspired vision. Although, it has its roots in the polytheistic Ancient Semitic Religions. He had a reputation for religious tolerance. Often discussed is the potentially novel position of Me’iri, as understood by Professor Moshe Halbertal in “‘Ones Possessed of Religion’: Religious Tolerance in The Teachings of The Me’iri” in Edah 1:1 (2000). Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks offers a universalism of one God beyond a particular religion based on Jewish texts. Indeed, when the Talmud in Avodah Zarah (45b) discusses the law, the focus is exclusively on how it is to be fulfilled during the conquest of Israel. The original text was too accepting of other religions, acknowledging that they too might understand God and contain some of God’s truth. Conversation, graciousness, and mutual respect are the keys. Judaism affirms that the commandments of the Torah are binding for Jews alone. Jews need to overcome their sense of minority status and find a new social model for their interactions. Others include Christianity Islam , and the Baha'i Faith . Some of the first parts of modern Europe where religious tolerance was practiced had Calvinistic populations, most notably the Netherlands. The first step is to understand some of the basic terms used for categorizing these texts: exclusivist, pluralist, inclusivist, and universalist. If one is not convinced by Rabbi Henkin’s attempt, but does not identify with the other perspectives outlined above, it is incumbent on him or her to delve into the halakhic material and propound a suggestion that, with integrity, can bridge the divergent values he or she holds dear. This coming year he will be a Ram at Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah in Modiin. [2] The view that Islam is not idolatry is the majority position. Judaism is an Abrahamic religion -- one of the faiths that recognize Abraham as a Patriarch. “Tolerance in abundance” is the hallmark of Hinduism. While I am not sure that I personally am convinced by Rabbi Henkin’s analysis, what is clear to me is the following: Many Religious Zionist Jews take pride in Israel being the only democratic society in the Middle East and the only Middle Eastern country with religious freedom, and also believe that ultimately their Zionist values are a reflection of Torah. Sign up for Angel for Shabbat Newsletters, Institute Update, and much, much more, Learn more about the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals and our valuable work. The result, he says, is "a kind of tension that cannot be easily resolved . The Torah describes the people’s responsibilities regarding idolatry as they enter the Land of Israel: These are the laws and rules that you must carefully observe in the land that the Lord, God of your fathers, is giving you to possess, as long as you live on earth. Eventually, the Catholic Church moved from teaching contempt to recognizing Judaism as a living faith. Religious Tolerance in World Religions focuses attention on the attitude "that the ’infidel’ or non-believer may be accorded an honorable position within the social order defined by Islam or Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism, and so on." Theology of the other is not dialogue. Tolerance offers no insight or encounter with the other. Tear down their altars, smash their pillars, put their sacred posts to the fire, and cut down the images of their gods, obliterating their name from that site. Instruct students: “In your notebook, list the names of as many different religions or … Linkages between the equinox, Pagan celebrations, Easter, and perhaps the Hindu Holi festival: Many, perhaps most, Pagan religions in the ancient Mediterranean region had a major seasonal day of religious celebration at, or following, the spring equinox. The debates between proponents of Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations and those of Thomas Friedman’s Lexus and the Olive Tree have replaced the local concerns of the nineteen-fifties. But we should not refuse to shake hands with those who have the ability to significantly change the face and future of Islam. Should we not have engaged in that dialogue until we were "on equal footing"? For those who are okay with accepting that an ideal halakhic state would not have religious freedom, this exercise is not necessary. Judaism has a wide range of texts that offer thoughts on other religions. of the human race and 2% of the U.S. population, Jewish influence on the U.S. and the rest of the world has been vast -- … There are many positions and many sources. How does one theologically account for the differences between religions? An important book both in terms of scholarship and vision, Judaism and Other Religions by Alan Brill surveys Judaism's wide-ranging attitude toward other faiths as well as non-Jews in general. The commentaries are divided on how to reconcile the implications of these divergent sources. [5] See Tzafnat Paneah, Hilkhot Avodah Zarah 7:1. Like modernity and nationalism, globalization has potential for both good and bad, creating a new reality, which demands confrontation and response. The religion that a nation follows and how tolerant it is of other faiths is an important aspect of gameplay in EUIV. Judaism and Other Religions is essential for a Jewish theological understanding of the various issues in encounters with other religions. Secondly, Jews don't believe one must be Jewish to be worthy of eternal salvation. Highlighting the gap that exists may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary to develop a mature view of Religious Zionism that does not hide from the difficult questions. These questions are important for both self-definition and social action. As noted above, one possibility for distinguishing between Israel and the Diaspora is assuming that the critical issue for fulfilling this commandment is political power. T The religions are not needed for Jewish self-understanding, but to fail to recognize the nature of the branch religions is to fail to properly understand the world and, in effect, God’s providential plan. 12, Shakh ibid. I have recently completed a work on Judaism and other religions where I set out the classical texts that can be used to address other religions. The book evaluates the clash between the positions of those in favor and those against. Cherry picking out the positive statement about gentiles and other religions, the predominant response, is not adequate because it does not acknowledge the problem. After the Holocaust, the Christian communities undoubtedly had more work to do in the dialogue than the Jews. It recognized the State of Israel, and sought to remove anything in Catholicism that can be used to teach anti-Semitism. How do we offer hospitality? Political states regularly engage in diplomatic relationships, cordial encounters, and practical negotiations without sharing a common political ideology. We need to provide sanctity to the world. conquering it spiritually. For a similar phenomenon, see Makkot 7a regarding the obligation to establish courts. Other Islamic nations are not so tolerant of minority religions : Saudi Arabia limits religious freedom to a high degree, prohibiting public worship by other religions. christianity and islam are the only two religions i'm aware of that condemn all other religions as false. Rabbi Kasher’s position echoes that of Rabbi Yitzhak Herzog, written in the formative years of the state. When dialogue with Catholics started in the 1950s some Christians entered with a problematic In other words, Rabbi Henkin argues that while at some point in history God wanted the Jews to root out idolatry, He ordained that modern times would be times of religious tolerance. Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and a few Modern Orthodox rabbis engage in interfaith religious dialogue, while most Orthodox rabbis do not. Judaism is for Jews, other people are welcome to believe whatever they like. Contribute now! Yet a perusal of Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, or Midrash (not to mention Maccabees or Josephus) will uncover laws and narratives that make it clear that the Torah did not encourage “tolerating” idolatrous religions, especially in the Land of Israel. And many have similar feelings about Islam. 20 terms. Many in wicca believe that all religions are one - that all religions are just different paths to worship the same source. This article appears in issue 2 of Conversations, the Institute 's journal... Civil tolerance often said that Judaism is for Jews alone can only speak as ;!, “ Le-Ha ’ avir Gilulim min Ha-Aretz ”, Alon Shevut 145 unaware that there are who! About other religions as well as evidence of tolerance and acceptance to Jews and all others unable... In its traditional forms has returned as a result, any religious philosophy which requires fealty... To June 1, 2012 ), ed schoolmates and neighbors but such universalism remains universal... 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