Ben: Yeah, slow coach. Sid: (yelps) Okay, okay! (recoils in disgust) Okay, there is fine! You're the ones who said there wasn't going to be a flood. Connor Lacey: What is your sense twitching this time, Pinkie? Wait til I tell my little brother about this. It's not a very satisfying ending. Who's going to be my wingman of mayhem? Manny: Hey, guys. Manny: (tapping a male Glyptodon on his back) Hey, buddy. Could one of you scooch over a drop. [They hurry on towards the cave as the flood continues swallowing everything in it's path. Ellie's trunk went back into the cave which got flooded]. Manny: No, no. (ducks behind Diego), [He and Sid look to see the mini sloth tribe down below them]. Manny: I wasn't saying not right now, um, in time. Be careful what you say around Manny. Bradford! Beetles: Phew. [Sid bites Diego's tail, causing him to growl in pain], [Diego and Sid make a break for it as Maelstrom chases them, jumping in and out of the water to catch them. Diego: Fine. Ellie: (picking up Crash and Eddie with her trunk) We're not asking. Then a big shadow looms over him. Ellie: Come on! Max, Monty, Bill and Ben: (sighs) Spoilsports. [Sid: Hey, Manny. Using a stick to defend herself, she hits Diego with it and runs outside carrying Roshan with her. Ono: I'II fly up and see if I can spot them! With such tiny space, Manny and Ellie keep bumping into each other. Blue Female Mini Sloth: All hail Fire King! You can't get anymore satisfying then that. All unattended children will be eaten. Connor Lacey: Boy, who knew catching possums could be so hard. Sid's Squids. You probably didn't even know what I'm talkin' about. I thought the frost wiped them all out. My bad mammals jammals. She quickly follows Crash and Eddie across ice floats. But we got away. Come, come, come. Frank, where did you ever? Sid: Oh, yeah, yeah. Manny: I meant that! (soars past Ellie) I believe I can fly!~, [Crash hits a tree trunk then peels off, leaving a possum shaped print on the truck. Pat: We'll just zip the lip. Whatever you do, don't go into the light! Monty: We were just joining in their fun. Ellie: Aww. I'm stalking the prey. We're not going with them! [Just then, Sid comes by with the DJG following. That's enough, Mask. Then he realizes that he doesn't have his acorn and suddenly glares. Did you know that? (to Sliparooni) Sliparooni, do you think you can make air bubbles for the other engines? Starlight Glimmer: Aww. [gets hit again] Oh, come on, nobody falls asleep that fast! Don't worry. Scrat whimpers as he looks at it. Diego would have fallen to his death if it weren't for Manny and Ellie. michaelamay11 Edited Aug 3, 2019. I can't sell that now! As Sid, James and Eddie sink deeper in the water, Diego and Marco grabbed them and pull them back up towards the surface. Crash points two fingers at his eyes then directs them at Manny meaning he's saying he's got his eyes on him]. Up above, a turtle and a beaver slide down an ice slide into the water but a freaky mammal gets stuck at the bottom, causing a pileup which sends him skidding into the Baptornis, knocking them over like pins. Eddie: Perimeter looks to be all clear, captain. Ellie: Look, we'll never make in time if we only travel at night. Family? It'II be easier on all of us if you just go with it. Fluttershy: I wish there was something we could do to cheer Manny up. Sid: But I'm telling you, I was kidnapped. Ashley, stop picking your... [Sid is suddenly dragging into the air by a vine around his foot. Diego: Crash! I don't like animals that kill for pleasure. You didn't have any candy in you. Just take what you need. Now, claw, kick, claw, kick. Easiest tunnel is the left tunnel. Okay, then, you lead the way Mr. Big... uh... didn't get the name? Register Start a Wiki. Wanna give it a try? Diego runs as the platforms crumble beneath him. Scrat reaches the top of the ice cliff and panting, exhausted from the climb when his acorn pushes into the ice, creating a crack in the ice cliff right to the bottom which it bubbles. He sees Roshan fast asleep in his bed and is about to take him when Nadia picks him up in fright. Crash: Ellie! Ellie: Well, I got some news for you; you're not saving the species tonight or any other night! Eddie. Tell that to the bullfrog, the chickenhawk or turtle-dove. [Manny snaps out of his trance and saw the geysers beginning to burst up. Diego: Maybe we'll have ourselves a little snack before we hit the road. Let's go! Manny, wait! Martin Kratt: And some creatures can have two species names into one. Hot dog! Marco Polo: Oh, right. Deer: Burrow is a demeaning name. If you play dead, you'll be dead! Ellie Philips: You're on. Bradford: As much as I would love to agree with you, Manny, I'm going to have to agree with Ellie on this one. We've got ears, say cheers. The screen fades to black. Don't give up hope. Crash: Oh, cry me a river, blubber-tooth tiger. Now I understand why the possum boys didn't find me appealing! We should return the baby to his family. He is soon flung backward, causing his acorn to fall and flies around with water hissing out of him like air coming out of a balloon. Thinking they killed his wife and son, Runar leads the other tribe members and the dogs after them. Manny: (cocking an eyebrow) I don't know. Later, the group are walking up a hill]. Me Fire King. Manny is still trying to get the rock moving when he saw that the water is rising up to his face. You act tough, but deep down, you're a softie. You're sinking. Ben 10’s Adventures of Ice Age/Transcript | Pooh's Adventures Wiki | Fandom. (walking away) Come on. Everyone looks to see a long line of prehistoric animals making their way south]. Diego: (to a female ant eater) Possum? Marco Polo: (putting a hand on James' shoulder to comfort him) It's okay, James. There has to be a safer way to handle the situation. Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the sloth? Ellie looks up at her and smiles back. Bradford: Now, get moving, you two! Manny: Yeah, unless.... (he looks down at the ground). The Irelanders' Super Adventures of Ice Age/Transcript. 44,727 Pages. He backs away from her and the ice tilts because of his weight. Manny and Ellie look towards the ice cliffs and some brown shapes starts to appear. Olaf would have loved this. Diego: Congratulations. Well, I am anyway. You're a good friend. [He throws the rock onto the sinkhole but nothing happens and it stops in front of Frank and Carl who smirk. A giant rock falls right towards them from above], [Thankfully, the rock wedges on the two walls, saving their lives. Sunset Shimmer: (gasps, realizing why there's water) The dam's getting weaker by the second. Diego struggles to keep his balance on an ice flow], [He digs his claws into the ice to prevent himself from slipping. (we see him standing close to the edge) One! Crash: Manny, Manny. Ellie: Hallelujah! Connor Lacey: I couldn't have said it better myself, Koki. [The film begins with a ice cliff and Scrat the sabre-toothed squirrel is climbing it to find his acorn. Eddie pops out of his hole], [Sid tries to get at the possums several times before finally landing a direct hit], [Diego and the Irelanders appear behind them], [Crash and Eddie duck back into their holes as Diego lunges at them. Crash: Ellie, get up! Diego: (groans) OK, OK, buddy. Come on, everyone. This I gotta see. There's smoke! He leaps but as he about to fall to the abyss, Manny and Ellie grab his front paws with their trunks just in time]. Martin Kratt: Give him some space to breathe, Sarah. He's green with red stripes. [a live-action sequence of Chris and Martin plays] Chris Kratt: We're here in North America. Satisfied, he goes to put the acorn in but is struck by lightning. Diego: Manny, get back! [Encouraged by Fuli's words, Manny fights back against Carl and Frank, sending them flying. They look back to see more rocks blocking the way they came], [They hurry towards the way out but as they got closer, another rocks falls in front of it, trapping them], [Then Bradford noticed a small patch of light getting in through a tiny gap in the rocks]. [Then the press appears] Nadakhan: As if you getting the lead in My Fair Girl wasn't enough! Lone Gunslinger: Flood's real alright. Come on, get moving! That's right. [Shi La, Aviva and Koki snuggled up together]. That feels much better. Janja: That's our cue, furbrains. [Later, the mist went down as the group walk through a rocky terrain. He runs up to it and smiles. How bad can it be? Ice Age: Continental Drift is a 2012 American 3D computer-animated comedy adventure film (The movie starts off with Scrat sniffing at the ground and puts his acorn on the ground. Now! If I'm going to enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh. [Eddie is seen running to the edge of a ledge and jumps]. Manny: Okay. Come on! I got some great news: I got 200 Edits! [The film starts in a snowy winter landscape. (couples up to the truck). Elsa: We do now. Manny suddenly hears something and turns. Manny Garcia: What's that, Chico? The entire valley's gonna flood! (laughs). And he's ahead by a tusk! Then the ice cliff splits in two, making Scrat hold on to both sides with his acorn in his feet]. You and me, we make a great team with these guys. Crash: She said she thinks you're a jerk and to go away! The Pooh's Adventures Series takes place after the events of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and throughout the rest of the entire Winnie the Pooh franchise while the films that feature Lumpy take place after the events of Pooh's Heffalump Movie. [Everyone sees a woolly mammoth named Manny marching through the crowd, heading north]. Transcript [a field is shown as Pooh walks onscreen] Narrator: Once, upon the last day of a Golden Summer, there lived a boy and a bear. Come on! Now that we're all together again, let's keep going to the boat before that dam bursts. Fast Tony: Oh, all right. Why kill Fire King? Manny: So, you think she's the girl for me? Sid: I got him! (looks back), [Back at the waterpark, James is sticking his nose in the water and blowing bubbles], [He keeps blowing bubbles. Alright, everyone. I've got the girls. Elsa: Bunga. Wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka. (falls out of the tree) There's lots of us. Ow! Ellie Philips: Because of those two fish monsters. [They head on. Add new page. Everyone look at the geysers bursting between them and the boat]. [The engines look at each other, remembering when Bradford made them late because of his railway rules and regulations]. James Jones: (sadly) I do hope Sarah is alright. I am not your prey! Meanwhile, Manny is carrying logs of wood with his tusks while Sid pants behind him, carrying a twig as the DJG walk by carrying logs the same size as Manny's]. Scrat uses his hands to make sure he's positioned properly then gets a stick. Oh, he's beating Diego as Diego is coming round the corner! More. Male Dung Beetle: (straining) Do we have to bring this crap? Sid: Oh, come on. He uses a finger to check the wind direction then breathes in and charges to the edge, using the stick as a pole-vault, however, he doesn't make it and falls], [Meanwhile, the animals are still walking. Manny: Oh, isn't there someone else you can annoy? Sid: Hee-hee. Korra: (in Aviva Corcovado's voice) You're kidding. Mickey Mouse: [to the viewers] And what about you? Oops. Pooh's Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. K-I-S-S-something-something-T! Scrat suddenly fall down. Pooh's Adventures Wikia. [Manny, Ellie, Connor, Crash, Eddie and the Irelanders run onto the ledge. [He moves forward but a geyser burst up in front of him]. Littlefoot,Cera,Ducky,Petrie,Spike,Grandpa LongneckandGrandma LongneckAli Guido Doc Dara Bron Shorty Tria Tricia Mama Swimmer Mama Flyer Pterano Mama Sharptooth Papa Sharptooth Littlefoot's Mother Old One Pat Saro Sue Blue (velociraptor) Rexy Swooper Arlo Gavin (Ice Age) Roger (Ice Age: Collision Course) Gertie (Ice Age: Collision Course) Aladar Neera Eema,Baylene Url Momma Dino … They hit the ground with a thud], [They charge again but Manny defeats them by throwing them through the air], [But just as he reaches Sid, Manny picks Frank up and throws him away. It's just a fact. We know you like to do things you want but in cases like this kid water park, it's not really perfect for you since the kids really don't like you telling them what to do. Sid: Yeah, we showed those scary vultures! Fast Tony would sell his own mother for a grape. Safe? It'll be quieter when you're gone. Sid: We'll return you. They look and see Roshan inside it as he awakes up from his sleep and looks at Manny, Sid and the heroes], [They look back to the river but Nadia is gone. Cretaceous swims past him as well. Chris Kratt: They have to just come out of it themselves. [Meanwhile, at a waterfall, a camp of humans are gathered around a fire and Runar, their leader went to his tent to see his wife, Nadia and their son, Roshan and tries teaching him to walk but he slips and Runar picks him up and nodge his nose before chucking him in the air and catching him]. Frank: We'll just take our load of piñatas and go if you don't mind. Aviva Corcovado: Shi La! You found another mammoth! The other mammoths trumpet with joy at this union], [Crash blows his nose on Eddie's tail. Today's the day it breaks! [snaps his stick in two] Now, won't we? Meanwhile, the dam is getting weaker and weaker. We've gotta catch up with the others. You're gonna have to face your fear sooner or later. Sid: What in the animal kingdom was that?! Station Officer Steele: Firefighter McKinley and Firefighter Philips, thank goodness you two are alright. Come on! A male start is sitting in the shade on a ice formation while a female start is sitting in the sun]. I don't wanna lose you since you're my old friend and like I almost lost you when you feared being scrapped. Carl: That's okay, Frank! Everyone's worn out. Use your hook to lift Dash into the aquarium truck. Carl: I can’t believe it. [steps in turtle poo] Oh.... Sick. We will. Female Gastornis: Alright, everybody, let's go. He pulls them out then jumps up and down on the ice many times. He's about to head off when he gets stepped on by a much larger animal], [Scrat keeps getting stepped on by different animals time and time again before ending up stuck on an animal's foot. His name is Scrat. Arnold McKinley: They're right, Stephen. Ellie: (gets up with Crash and Eddie helping) Whoo. Marco Polo: Yeah, it's getting very annoying. [The film starts in a snowy winter landscape. Ellie: Uh, everywhere? Eddie: Ellie! Sid: I wish I know what they're thinking. Scrat's body gets shrunk up by the stretching, making his foot loses it's grip on the acorn. [Manny got taken aback by this. Let's go. Then as Cretaceous and Maelstrom open their mouths preparing to eat Manny, he swims up and they bump into the trunk, moving it forward and getting the rock blocking the cave entrance out of the way. Sid: Fine but we're living a melting world, buddy. The boy, whom we shall meet in a moment was called Christopher Robin. This will be the classical Adventure team who started it all. Jimmy Z: Yeah. It can save you. Hiro: Oh. Fireman Sam: Marion's right! Start Kids: Get out of the way! mtur Jun 29, 2019. Here, you have some. Manny Garcia: Okay, Turner. (struggles to reach the machine and grunts) Come on, baby. Mickey Mouse: Boy, I think we're all cold. PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random image. We'd better watch our step when we go through that. [The animals murmur worriedly among themselves]. Diego comes back], [Manny looks at the ice chunk one more time then leaves. Martin Kratt: Since food are scarce during the ice age. Ben Hooper: Quite right, and in the nick of time too. Eddie: Crash! I know you better. Hiro: Shi La, stay back! Bradford! Sid: Any chance, I could squeeze in there with you Manny, old pal? I need to be alone for a while. [The snow shoes move to the top right hand corner. The female beaver snatches the baby beaver out of the way before the slide hits the ground causing it to shake. Oh! Guess I can be a bit too overprotective with my railway rules. michaelamay11 Edited Aug 15, 2019. What do you say? [to a female ant eater] Pardon me, do you have gills, ma'am? So, get used to it. Male ant eater: I'm talking about you being the last of your kind. [They carry on. The heroes look worried], [Frank and Carl charge at Manny, who readies himself. [Manny Garcia picks Roshan up and Sid spots smoke from the campsite up on the cliff]. No? He grabbed a floating log and put it into a hole in the rocks], [James is floating in the water and struggles to swim], [He swims towards James and grabbed him with his arm], [He and James swam over to Crash and Eddie who were hanging onto the branch over the water], [Sid jumps off the rock he and the others are standing on. Sid: Ooh, he must've been a real pleasure to have in class. Move it! [Sid looks up hopefully but then looks down sadly]. How about Manny the Moody Mammoth or Manny the Melioncally? Ellie: Me? You and me, two bachelors knockin' about in the wild? As Ellie sleeps, a female possum drops down from the snow-covered branches and smiles at Ellie. He landed on the round part of the earth. These little guys and big guys love me, right, Billy? Ellie: Oh! Charlie Jones: Diego's right. This is my nephew. That's why Manny called it a burrow! Manny: No. Sid: And, and then she picks this hair off my shoulder and says "Look, if you're gonna have an extra mating dance, at least pick a female with the same colour pelt, right?" This … He looks at it then at the fleeing invaders. Fireman Sam: That doesn't matter, Bagheera. Scrat glares at it, seeing that it wants his acorn and held it close to him. Baloo: It's gonna kill Manny if we don't do something! Crash: I didn't do this! Then a sudden cracking noise is heard and Scrat turns to see an egg hatching and a condor chick's head pops out. Survive that, and you'll be racing the water. Ice Age … Jack: Sliparooni's going to make an bubble to keep you from getting wet. Aviva Corcovado: (with a sad expression) Thanks, Shi La. Martin Kratt: And it's dragging him down into the water by his tail! Mickey Mouse: Hot dog! Manny Garcia: Ah, that feels much better. Manny then went back to sleep as Ellie wraps her tail and hangs underside down on the branch next to Crash and Eddie. You can play Extinction later. [Manny gets up and he and Ellie smile as they nuzzle their faces and wrapping their trunks together. Oso: [weakly] It's all part of the plan. Who is your decorator? That sound is coming from somewhere. Korra: (seeing that it's no use arguing with Manny) Sam's right, guys. I mean, sure they toss me into a flaming tar pit but they worship me! Manny: You know. He glares at it. Alfie: Oh, that explains why she thought she's a possum. Scrat gets up and leaps at the condor chick, pinning it to the ground, knocking the acorn out of it's beak. Zazu: Yeah and the word "miscreants" is the term used for people who are mischievous. Uncle Fungus? They're the same shape. Scrat looks up to see the glacier getting closer and screams. Register Start a Wiki. Manny: I don't think her tree goes all the way to the top branch. Attack the water! Fast Tony: (laughs) I'm trying to make a living here, pal. Fireman Sam: Well, looks like you want to stay with us after all. A start quickly slides down and ice slide before it falls towards a baby beaver. (normal voice) She's infuriating and stubborn and narrow-minded! Not in front of the K-I-D-Z and the four T-W-I-N-S. You'II fall as well! Mr. Lopart: Hopefully that will teach you two to pick on someone your own size! Mickey Mouse: Now that we got our Mousekatools, let's get to that Ice Age! BOOM! Sid: Hey, you're a big guy. Izzy: That's a good idea, Twilight. Freaky mammal: Look! But just then something grabs Stu beneath the surface], [Stu and the reed disappear under the water. Brerdaniel, can you please put Pooh's Adventure Series on Google … Fast Tony: You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about! (gets hit by Eddie's tail) Ow! Those will help keep us warm. A thousand years ago, it was covered in ice. Ellie: Crash, ask the mammoth why he thinks that. Manny: If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal! Animals: Look out! [He jumps into the water and swims after Diego. Fluttershy: I'm glad that Diego overcame his fear of water to save Sid, Crash and Eddie's lives. You're in a bowl. [They advance towards the campsite where two dogs sense their approach and growl and bark at them, alerting the tribe to the attack. Bon appetit-ue. He took a deep breath and dives into the water. Fireman Sam: Uh, actually, you were teasing Sid and being teased hurts. Oliver: Okay. Meanwhile, a tribe member cuts the dogs loose from their leashes with an axe and they attack the invaders until Soto sees Diego], [The invaders retreat and run up to Diego but they are surprised to find he doesn't have Roshan], [Spears thrown by the tribe pierce the ground and the invaders make a run for it]. Gather round! He look up to see the dam breaking which makes him whimpers nervously, realizing that the chick is warning him about the flood as he saw parts of the dam breaking one by one. Melody: Any time, Dash. I'm a role model to them. Look at all that snow. Yeah, you know, I mean, they woke up early and then they lightly tied my hands and feet, gagged me with a field mouse, and barricaded a cave door, and covered their tracks and went through water so I'd lose their scent and, uh, who needs them anyway. Connor Lacey: The water's going down! Sid: Oh, my family abandoned me. Doc McStuffins: Of course. Yummo. [He looks at the long climb ahead. The bushes keep hopping until Crash and Eddie jump out and dash up a tree. I was a little bigger than the other possum kids. Sid: Whoa, the whole south thing is getting to way overrated. As they look towards the cave, they saw a huge tidal wave soaring above it. But the point is that fear is natural. [They look to see Arnold, Ellie and the others coming towards them]. Then, to his utter shock and delight is a pair of golden gates with an acorn in the middle. Ellie: (gasps) Where? They hit him and begin pushing him and the others towards the edge]. [They head off. Scrat gets up and wobbles to the edge of the glacier he's on but the collar is so heavy that Scrat falls off the glacier onto the ice, sending the acorn flying to the top of a tall glacier. Crash: How? Manny opens one eye and looks over at Ellie using her trunk to shut the possums' mouths. Now, go on, scat. Games Movies TV Video. Douglas: I don't like the look of this mist, Donnie. Fast Tony: Folks, escaping the flood is the perfect time to shed those unsightly pounds with Fast Tony's Disaster Diet. Eddie yelps and runs towards him], [Manny, Sid and the Irelanders follow Eddie]. [Sliparooni blows a air bubble which Bash puffs into and it sinks into the water and emerges on the other side]. Marco Polo: Like Norman, Spud, Bill, Ben, Max and Monty for instance. Chris Kratt: That's right. You'II never guess what happened to me. Sid: Ahh! Bagheera: Looks like going back isn't a good idea after all. , hailstones come pouring down with rain as thunder and lightning start 's too late to pull out. [ Carl notices a dandelion on the ground stays under our feet sloths tipped onto! Was different a t-t-t-t-time like t-t-t-t-this traveled with pooh's adventures of ice age transcript, Sid and are! Sloth named Sid sleeping on a tree branch mid-threatening glare ] Bradford down Bill... Not like we need to bring anything like that up ways but he is the gooey, sticky stuff holds. 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