Mcbettas ; Jun 24, 2017; 3 2K Aug 1, 2017. by Nismo83. I’m confused with so many information everywhere. Can you please tell me what might be the reason. I picked up some suction cupped plants to stick up on the glass but he still seems to find his reflection in other areas. If it does, the plant or hideout will likely snag a betta’s delicate fins too. So, I want to get a fish, and I was hoping for an angel fish because I grew up with those. This is in regards to my brown (I bought him this way) male betta fish named Merlin. (Would explain the ammonia, if he’s dead. Look for odd behavior and signs of illness or fin damage. If you notice he is struggling a lot and is lifeless, then you may decide that is no quality of life for him and opt for euthanasia to end any suffering. He sleeps at night on the bottom. You can also do a daily 20% change to see if that helps until you get strips. To keep the fish you love strong all the time. I have been all over the web and am getting so much conflicting information. Proper betta care includes a systematic maintenance schedule. Hi, Ranjan that’s great. He eats like normal, still very active, and I have no sharp plastic plants just silk. Fin rot is downright tough sometimes, but the best cure for me has always been maintaining a clean tank and using aquarium salt in small doses during each water change. The absolute minimum tank size for a healthy betta is 2.5 gallons with the recommended size being 5 gallons or more. The one that lived longer also had constant fin rot that would go away when we treated it, and then came back. Your email address will not be published. How big is his tank? Being able to take care of a betta fish, means knowing what makes them happy and healthy. You can use this product or others like it as long as you properly dose it for 6-gallons. The next day he was bright, ate his pellets (we give him one in morning and one at night) and starting coming to the front when I’d come in the room and talk to him. For the lights, all betta fish are different, if he seems happy and is not hiding constantly when they are on you should be fine. This is the size of Bettas that are older than 7 months, since that is when they reach adulthood. Hi Lulu – I think it’s great you are researching before buying a betta fish instead of after! What exactly do i have to do.? Betta fish need natural or artificial light while they are awake during the day, and darkness at night so they can sleep. Change 100% of the water for smaller tanks (e.g. I may be getting some bettas soon and ive never had one before, however i do keep multiple reptiles. The most important part, however, is ensuring a rich and varied diet. They are not stuck living in that tiny space. I am trying my best to reply to all emails. But I won’t sleep tonight if I killed the snail.) Help? Understand that products like these, however, do not replace actually vacuuming the substrate and doing water changes – but they can reduce some of the waste build up and how often these actions are needed. Please help?? However, I am only able to get a betta, which are also beautiful, so I’m not complaining. I am due to do another full cleaning which makes me nervous but I am going to take it slow and make sure I am not misoany steps. While filters aren’t mandatory, they are highly encouraged for aquariums larger than 3 gallons. SD Wild Betta Farm | Focuses on Wild Betta for sale. He did not show signs of being ill and his colors were bright for the second one. This new aquarium is much more reflective so I see him flare out pretty often. Bettas like consistency, so any abrupt changes in water parameters or temperature can cause a lot of stress and potential for sickness or disease as the immune system is stressed. but lately the tank has been getting dirtier a lot faster. Maintain a tropical habitat at 76-81 degrees Fahrenheit. How to differentiate between Mahachaiensis and Betta Smaragdina. The easiest way is to use a siphon vacuum and a small trash can or 5-gallon bucket to have the water flow into. If you really wanted to adjust the KH, they do sell products to increase it. I recommend tanks of 10-30l. Is this a bad idea? You’ll also need to add conditioner every time you change the water in the fish tank (roughly once a week). Thanks! Can I say something, it doesn’t cost a fortune to have a Betta. She goes up to her and folds over in attempt to breed with him but he denies her. Think of hiding places like their homes. We fasted him then gave him 1/4 of a pea. So many times I get asked what do I need to do to work with wild betta species? Additionally, because wild populations face decline, you should only purchase animals bred in captivity. I just got a new fish and he doesn’t like any food that we bring him. I put my baby girl in the male Bettas tank, but she gets a line across her head/nose when I introduce her to her mate. How Long Do Betta Fish Live? Hi Bryan, My beautiful male betta has a white spot on his left eye that seems to be a bit fuzzy.. What is it and how do I get rid of it for him? We are on day 2 no food. Betta Care. See more ideas about betta, betta fish, aquarium fish. He lives with a little dwarf frog and they seem to get along quite well. You should be able to identify the difference between a healthy and a sick betta. Mix hot and cold tap water until it is the same temperature as the water your Betta is swimming in. If it’s green algae, you’ve had the light on too much. Betta splendens come in many different tail variations through selective breeding, however, all require the same level and types of care. I plan to do weekly water partial water changes, but I’m unclear about how often to clean the decorations. That’s great Donna, and thank you for the feedback! Bryan go ahead say it….. If you decide to feed your betta twice a day, make sure to feed them about 2-3 pellets max during each feeding. Hello, I have a beautiful betta in a 5.5 gal. How often to feed as the fish loves two pellets twice daily but I was told feed 2-3 x week…. His color was vibrant royal blue. . Thanks in advance for your time! I have a thermometer and often it reads somewhere in the 80’s or 90’s and then I have to unplug it. Again, wait for 15 more minutes. First you will need to consider, oubviously, your tank. Your GH reading at 75ppm is okay for a betta fish. Is this a routine practice, or should I only do this if he displays stress or discomfort? I was always loving to it, but now I feel like I could have cared for it more than I did. View Aneda McNulla, BSN’S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. I am very new to betta care and have a couple of concerns about my new buddy Sushi. Betta Fish Can Breathe Air. He is still hanging in there but with the same behavior of barely eating and staying at bottom of tank. She had stopped eating. Is your tank near direct sunlight? I’ve honestly grown attached to the little guy. A 100% change will depend on the size of your tank and many other factors like if you have live plants, how your water parameters are, and algae levels for example. The information I found here is extremely helpful, but I was wondering what a preferred list is for tanks, filters, heaters, and such. So: what’s the line on my girls nose That’s normally a preference unless you find that your betta is constantly flaring and being aggressive to his own reflection. When the male died, that’s when I decided to make the sorority. I really want a beta fish! He does go to the top to gulp air but seems to prefer to hang out at about six to 8 inches down. He is a beautiful black orchid male (I think he is the product of some mixed breeding as I do not know if he’s a veiltail or not). I also keep a soft bristled tooth brush for aquarium decor cleaning too for those nooks and crannies. Now I’m wondering should I put some live plant in it to keep the ammonia level low. Use water conditioner/dechlorinator to make tap water safe for bettas. A good filter can help reduce these levels and establish healthy bacteria in tanks 3 gallons or larger. In our comprehensive betta fish care guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to promote a healthy habitat. Timmy7; Nov 1, 2017; 8 2K Nov 26, 2017. by Hassled. If the water in the betta’s bag is dirty, minimize the amount that gets into the fish tank. Most issues can be traced back to poor care in feeding patterns, acclimation, and tank maintenance. One fun fact about … Check the functionality of filters, replacing media as necessary. Add a water conditioner to the tap water to remove the disinfectants that are toxic to your fish. He is about one year since we bought him. It’s possible for a betta to live a long time in poor housing, but it’s a dull and boring life for them. the betta would be staying in my room, as the reptiles do and as a result, would be affected by the heat lamps i use for them. I just got him last week and the first couple of days wer going great as he was eating and exploring his surroundings. I’m not sure how old the baby bettas you received are, however, babies have weaker immune systems and should not really have tank mates or be in a sorority until they have matured. Live plants are ideal for their added cleaning benefits. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Should I even worry about this since he seems to be happy and active? I’m so glad I found this page – I am a brand new (surprise) betta mom. I’ve had Blue for about a month. To minimize stress tanks should be painted or covered in paper so that they will not see movements outside their tank. Betta fish need specific food because they are carnivorous and like meat. This includes the recommended tank size, water quality and maintenance, feeding, and much more! Cycle 20%-40% of the water each week for larger tanks. September 16, 2019 Robert Freshwater Fish 0. Even the moon provides a little light, but we want to avoid sunlight-level light at night as best as possible. That’s great to hear he’s doing better! Success increases by adding community fish with bettas in larger tanks that have plenty of spaces to hide. These fish are capable of surviving a range of different environments in the wild but you should never underestimate the importance of keeping water parameters consistent. If you have questions about betta’s do not hestitate to contact me! Use scissors to cut a hole in the bag. For more information on Fin Rot – please visit this page. He proceeded to take it to an employee’s only room, and I assume he either ‘put it down’ or it died itself. I have a filter and heater. The increased space in larger tanks will decrease the territorial instincts of the betta and may decrease the aggression against certain types of fish. If so, where do I get the ammonia to run a fishless cycle? By the way I use pellets. Nitrate should be less than 40 parts per million (ppm). Check that your water temperature and parameters are in the proper range. I just don’t want to risk doing something wrong and making him worse. I have a heater in my fish tank but not one that I can control. Here’s some more information on bowel movements. There is a food and feeding page on the website here, but first the tank is too small and will lead to health problems. You can visit the diseases page, or look into a product called API Fungus cure if you can confirm it’s that. He’s not bloated nor sluggish. The pH is too high, and based on what I read, peat moss in a filter bag sounded like a nice natural option, but it didn’t change anything. At least maybe the changing lights. So I am a new betta fish owner. I feed him once a day. As highly territorial species, you should not house more than one of these fish in a tank. I am new to betta fish and have just purchased a round AA Deco o aquarium for my betta which has a built-in LED light. We both feel bad for the poor guy and want to help him. You are very kind hearted and I totally agree. The filter and the light should go on and off, but the heater has to be on at all times, unless the temperature is over 85 degrees. He seems very happy but thought i should ask. Recently, more of this coloration has appeared in tail fins, I assumed as result of color-enhancing food formula. T. Coccina x Splendens hybrid? Very thoughtful of you and your daughter to improve the care for this betta. Noticed a brown spot on top of nose and down the side that I had not noticed before, but then he was always hiding. That can speed up algae growth. Do they need to be the only fish in one tank, or are there certain fish that they can cohabitate with that they won’t attack? Many people mistakenly believe that betta fish belong in a bowl or vase, and rationalize that this is best because wild-caught bettas are typically found in muddy puddles, small ponds, and even in waterlogged rice fields of some Asian countries. There's … The 2 female bettas in the community tank actually get along fine. It is safe to put my betta fish into the tank??? In your tank you could have a pH of 6 to 7.5, since captive bred animals are more used to these parameters. It happens all the time and is a very sad way to lose a betta. If that’s the case, it may be necessary to reduce stress. Just leave them in the main aquarium with the other fish. Maybe 1/4-gallon tank, no decorations or heat, just an empty bowl. This way you don’t have to worry about the water getting too cold or too hot. Whether you buy a wild-caught or aquacultured marine betta will likely influence the difficulty level of caring for this fish. Just keep an eye that he/she eats the pellet completely. Betta’s also love treats once in awhile, but they might start to prefer them if you overdo it. Do you need to have an oxygen blower, or aerator for a betta fish? Almost looks like he gets under and then the hideout keeps him from floating back to surface. Visit our complete guide to the best live and fake betta fish plants. Once you add a baffle sponge to the filters output tube to slow down the filter flow for betta fish it’s a beautiful and functional tank. Hi Bryan! 5 gallons is recommended, 2.5 is the absolute minimum. Use a 10% mixture: 9 cups of water to 1 cup of bleach. Nitrite: 0PPM Consider printing or saving it for future reference: The difference between female betta fish care and male betta fish care is very minimal. Aneda has 2 jobs listed on their profile. Should I use some kind of covering on the side of the tank closest to the window to keep it from over heating, or will having a heater to regulate the water temp be enough? Am I doing something wrong? He had, and still has, a metallic bluish-silver spot on his flank. Does such a thing exist? Go. Could this be his natural color or a skin problem? Non-filtered tanks require 1-2 water cycles at around 25% and a full 100% water change each week (depending on water quality). I’m even making her a feeding schedule. Water added to the tank must be free of chlorine and other contaminants. Wal Mart continues to sell them. If he occasionally is curious and gets pushed down by the water entering the tank, that’s no big deal. This means he’s trying to attract a mate/female and is healthy. Fins look fine. What is the answer to this abuse? Just received a Crowntail Betta, blue, love his tail spread out. Part of betta fish care means regular feedings! Join Facebook to connect with Breanna Bravo and others you may know. Hi Bryan! When I moved him to a hospital tank (he lives alone btw) he had blood coming from under the pine coning. What can a person do? How long Betta imbellis live. I will be adding decorations and plants to his tank so would he be able to use those to block out the light at night? Tammy. ,has no lid . If you wanted to go another health-promoting route, you could use Indian Almond Leaves. Wash the fish tank thoroughly and then rinse the gravel carefully in hot tap water. ), it ends up in the tank’s water. I added live plants, a Mayan head they can hide in and 2 live snails to help with cleaning. Thanks for the info Bryan! He eats out of my fingers and follows my finger around the top and sides of his tank – it’s adorable and as odd as it sounds, I think we have a fun little connection! I’ve been testing his water using 6-1 test strips (before adding him to the tank and before and after his first 20% water change today) and everything is perfectly in range except for his GH and KH. Any abrupt changes cause stress and can exacerbate the problem. I’ve had a betta for about a month. Though betta fish are typically low maintenance, it’s important that they receive the proper care in order to live long and happy lives. With that 1-gallon tank, when you place decorations or plants inside, you are displacing the water volume further to far less than 1-gallon. Wonderful info. Many betta owners get stressed wondering why their fish won’t eat, but in reality it’s usually from prior over feedings. Wild betta splendens do not come in the wild array of colors or with big flowy fins. Fishkeepers should maintain a high level of care, as this will ensure the longest and happiest life for the fish. Imbellis is found all over south Thailand such as Trang, Palian, Trat, Krabi, Songkhla , fish from different regions will vary in shape, size, and form. I figured she just didn’t like the food but she wouldn’t eat anything. I feed him 2 pellets in the morning and 2 or 3 in the evening. When I moved her back i noticed neither of the fish had torn fins and there was no eggs anywhere to be found they just swam around peacefully together and I am very lost. And in a few hours later he’s dead. This can happen with plastic and glass. Betta food comes in different varieties including pellets, flakes, live, and freeze-dried options. Many people mistakenly believe that betta fish belong in a bowl or vase, and rationalize that this is best because wild-caught bettas are typically found in muddy puddles, small ponds, and even in waterlogged rice fields of some Asian countries. The reason the betta is known as the Siamese fighting fish is because of the male’s acute aggressiveness. Can I just use a turkey baster (one just for the tank)? Sanjeev, it’s hard to diagnose without additional information, but it sounds like it could have been stress/fin rot. Theresa:). You will need a 2.5-gallon or larger tank with a lid/cover. If you could please get back to me, u would be very helpful, thanks alot. 9 F, but my glass thermo says it at around 73-74 F. And on the 10 gallon tank. They are stressed easily, which can lead to sickness, and should not be in a tank that’s larger than 3-gallons either until they have matured. Best wishes! They just pig all the food from the rest of the fish. Thank you! It’s very aggravating and I agree with you. Yes, you should be doing several smaller ~25% water changes weekly. The fastest way to reduce ammonia is to do a partial water change and add in new conditioned water. Populations generally occur in freshwater, however, some are also found in brackish coastal swamps. Some bettas are too aggressive to live with other inhabitants, but they can play nice with certain tank mates that are non-aggressive and do not possess any bright colors or long fins. Will he be okay with that? 2.5 gallons). I have been doing research for months before I started college, so I could have a little friend with my while I started my journey. This is the temperature bettas are happiest and active at. Please help me heal him. But most significantly, wild male bettas don’t have fancy long tails, which would impede their movement. Baffle intake tubes and exits with pre-filters if necessary to reduce strong currents. I got Chronos (Butterfly Betta) not even a week ago, and I’ll admit I wasn’t prepared, though strictly speaking not my fault since a friend bought him for me, but regardless, a few days ago I noticed what looked like missing scales on his head and a darkening of his color on his head. Also, you could fast him for a day or two and see if things improve. I turn the main light on for 4 hours in the evening. Take your time and select the fish that you like the best. Their aggression should not put you off though – they are a colorful species with plenty of personality to keep … Great article, thanks so much. Prism Bettas ships to all US States and … At this point, you can use your fingers to feel the temperature of the fish-tank water and the cup water. Feeding once per day should be 3-4 pellets. Hi, my beta recently just passed away, i feel broken. I don’t have a filter hooked up yet, but I’m thinking I’ll hook it up when I do his next water change and see if it bugs him. I have 5 Betta tanks all over my home for years and none of them have heaters or filters mainly because they are all in odd places that are far from outlets: hallway table, bathroom, kitchen island etc. I was only going to use the siphon when I did cycles, but a turkey baster sounds easier for a quick sweep of the gravel, plants, etc. My heart breaks at the thought of him dying in that tiny cup or at the hands of an irresponsible owner. To keep your fish healthy, you should change at least half of the water in your Betta bowl or aquarium every 3-5 days. See more ideas about betta, aquarium fish, betta fish. Betta fish prefer water in the pH range of 6.5-7.5. It upset me alot to see him treat it like that and I don’t want to see the other one get the same ‘treatment’ and I don’t like how the guy talked to me. I treated the original tank, which is ten gallons. Betta smaragdina has the synonyms 'emerald fighting fish' and … He had like no fins left trying everything, finally Ampicillin to the rescue. I did a 100% water change just in case it was a contagious illness. i already have a good day to night schedule set up for the lizard and as the heat lamp for my snake has a relatively low light level, he took maybe a week to adjust to having this small amount of light and he sleeps quite well (its adorable, once i find him between the leaves in his enclosure, he is so peaceful looking), i was wondering if a betta may adjust the same way he has and adapt to having a low amount of light at night. I am going to upgrade him to a 5 gallon glass eventually, but based on his behavior, do I need to upgrade him sooner than later? Males are the opposite being larger in size, they have brighter coloring (bright green, blue, red, etc. He doesn’t seem sick. In the wild, the betta splenden lives in shallow oxygen-deficient streams, rice paddies, and puddles, but many of these areas are still expansive in water volume. The most common ingredients are meat, fish, and shrimp. Many factors affect the lifespan of a betta fish. See more ideas about betta, aquarium fish, betta fish. Betta’s can be very picky eaters, head over to the food/feeding page for more information, and consider getting a different pellet. Few fishes have cultivated the devotion of avid hobbyists like the non-domesticated species of the genus Betta. Do the lights stress the beta and should i turn the light off at night even though it will turn off the air bubbler? It’s better to allow a betta to go without food than to dump a bunch in there and think they’ll eat it. I am doing the partial water changes and checking ph. What IS different today is an ammonia spike! This site is amazing I don’t have any problem with the 20 gallon. does this mean that I have to purchase a new tank, filter, and everything else? You and your site are very, very helpful and I am grateful for you. Thank you so much in advance, and keep up the great work with this site!!! Bettas are carnivores. Betta fish need access to the water’s surface to gulp air using their unique labyrinth organ. Mine does too but I give him 3 pellets, twice a day and I check if he has finished it or not. White mark along his tummy. That is very dangerous for your betta. They live in shallow pools, small streams, roadside ditches and even rice paddies. One of the most common issues linked to poor betta health is sustained exposure to increased levels of ammonia and nitrites. That will depend on whether it’s filtered or not. I don’t think you’re doing too much, just keep an eye on everything. Betta fish can be very picky eaters too. What causes the slick on top of the water in a freshwater tank? If you’re finding large blobs of poop that can be a sign of constipation or overfeeding. We are so happy to see him swimming about again and rushing to get his pellets. also I don’t know about the blue LED nightlight. I did a lot of reading before setting up his tank and I’ve read that the GH needs to be 25ppm or lower and the KH needs to be 80ppm or higher. Thank you. Make sure to keep the cut in the bag facing upright. It was about 60 degrees down there and the heating turned off and on. Males make a bubble nest in anticipation of mating, where they will take care of the eggs in the bubble nest. I have conflicting advice. Fry upbringing should be reserved for experienced caretakers and breeders. He seems super happy so I don’t want to stress him out, but if I can keep a low flow, I’m thinking it’ll help keep the tank safer in between cycles/changes. Betta fish fry (babies) require special care during upbringing. Get on a regular feeding schedule, and follow these guidelines if you’re still unsure. If anything, I might be able to get a 2.5 or 3 gallon, but it’s better than a tiny unfiltered bowl. Hello again Bryan, sorry to bother you. tank with no tank mates. In the wild, bettas feed on insects and their larvae on the water’s surface. When changing the temperature and water conditions, do it slowly and methodically. Also, make sure your test strips are accurate by testing some water that you know has 0ppm. Sounds like stress without seeing a photo. (Tap Water) We had no filter or heater and it lived in a basement room. HABITAT The species is found in swamp waters, ditches, rice paddies, and pools. I have no clue of why he does this and he’s been doing this since day one, I’ve had him for 8 months. It happens if I use conditioned tap water or spring water. He grabbed the cup like it was nothing and was drumming his fingers on the side while he was talking to me, and the poor fish was terrified. She loves pellets. Try soaking the pellets in some tank water for a few minutes before adding them in if he eats the pellet as soon as it hits the water. The most humane way is using clove oil. Abrupt changes can stress your fish and even cause adverse health consequences. Hello Bryan. Check out our betta care sheet for details. A good brand is API, and is available at your local pet stores or on Amazon. If you’ve read this page, it has all of the major things you should be concerned with. Is that normal from the filter? It because they’re really beautiful betta plus it easy to take care of them. He has a heater, filter, hideouts, two silk plants, and one live plant. This is my first time owning a Betta fish and i just want to do it right, as i love fish. To me, the term 'wild betta' simply means a fish where there's been no selective breeding undertaken to alter appearance or behaviour. Betta smaragdina isn’t very sensitive towards your parameters, as long as they’re stable. I just got my Betta fish today and he has yet to go in the tank. A second option would be the MarineLand Contour. Check water quality and pH levels. Males are very competitive, flaring their fins and expanding their gills to show dominance in the presence of other males. The following steps are an ideal regiment for keeping your fish bowl looking great. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Bettas make a great addition to any community aquarium, provided no other male Bettas are added to the bowl or aquarium. The neutral color will calm your betta, and bacteria that build up on the gravel will digest your fish’s waste and keep the water relatively clean. Hi Bryan, I’m housing George, my half moon in the Fluval Spec V. I tried adding some baffle sponge in the water outlet but the lower flow seemed to promote brown algae growth. (I don’t have a typical day and night schedule as he would flare and get upset when I turned off than light). Take your time and select the fish that you like the best. They won’t and it will only dirty the tank. Mix the water from the tank with the water in the bag. This is really quite a shame as it is one of the most beautiful little gems to appear in the aquarium hobby. Before this, I have tried to keep a couple of types of modern betta fish such as Koi Plakad, Haflmoon Plakad, Vetail but they all keep dying less in 1 month under my care. I also have another fish that is sick. It’s totally normal for a Betta put pellets in the mouth and spit out. This specialized structure, located above the gills, allows all labyrinth fish to “gulp … A built-in thermostat heater. I wish i could print this page for my friend who said “it’s only a fish” which kind of broke my heart. We are now gearing up to purchase another, but are dealing with the effects of how we handled the first fish’s death.