Ladies and gentlemen, I've taken my rankings from the previous two lists, and am now creating the final countdown (at least between the seasons that have aired so far). This is without including her utter laziness around camp and oh yeah HER DUMPING OUT THE FOOD SUPPLY. But nooo there was too much going on for Chet and he couldn't hold on for just two more days. She shouldn't be nearly this high. After literally screwing someone over and taking a car from them to boot AND screwing over most people on the jury, there was no way in hell they were going to give Dreamz that million dollars. Wins immunity and keeps it, and then votes out Yau-Man. Also, every tribal council he was asked a question even if he had nothing to do with the conversation. Everyone who made the merge was solid players. couldn't even get a single jury vote off Phillip and Rob, two of the most hated people ever on Survivor. edit: ofc I don't count possible returning player seasons since normal Survivor rules don't apply there because it is not real Survivor. Then you had Natalie… Natalie was someone who just could not adapt to the social climate. He was the biggest hypocrite of the season and possibly the biggest hypocrite in all of Survivor! One, I really need to write more on my site after I spent two years focusing on my video content and two, as I am bingewatching seasons of Survivor on Hulu and watching David vs. Goliath, I need to write more on Survivor. But by making that deal, he had doomed himself to failure. When someone like Russell Hantz has to vote you out so early just because your social game is so weak that he finds you insufferable so quickly, that means a lot about how weak of a player you are. With a massive lead to a dink like LJ! Being the "worst" play must mean that you fail to 'Outwit, Outlast, and Outplay. ' If he had just done nothing then we would have an entirely different outcome. Both were guys who grossly overestimated their competition and considered themselves God’s gift to humanity. Brandon Hantz is all of the above.By far the worst player, and sorest loser to ever play the game. Say what you will about the man, but John Rocker is a professional athlete. She couldn't swim and then lost the puzzle a. First off, you will find a lack of players who went early or out first. If he doesn't give up immunity to Albert he has a good shot at making the end. Carolyn, Tyler, and Rodney were the heavy lifters of the alliance of 6, formerly 7 with Mike Holloway, and it was quite clear that round the time that Jenn was ousted that Dan and Mike were at the bottom of the alliance pecking order. At this point they don’t see Chris as a huge threat so they decide to get rid of some extra alliance members in Eliza. Useless, lazy, and quit despite sucking and having no chance to win. No argument here. But I would argue that Wardog is one of the worst examples of modern Survivor gameplay. Once again, we find ourselves with a strong season of Survivor where the game play was fierce and those who were eliminated either played a good game or not effecting the game enough to really count towards being one of the worst. Jeff was playing a strong game for the Kucha Tribe and was doing a phenomenal job leading up to the merge. Lost control of his tribe to Tasha for him spilling the beans in a challenge during his second bout and then he spent all his time online bashing her for being "40 and childless" and now in his third bout he seemed to think transphobia could have saved him from being voted out and thought of as a bad but likable survivor player but now he won't have to worry about that last part. Shirin Oskooi (Survivor: Worlds Apart) While Shirin was definitely the victim of some totally uncalled-for, insensitive comments by her fellow cast mates (and losers-in-life, Dan and Will), the Yahoo executive from the White Collar tribe on the season that divided contestants according to their social class was nevertheless one of the more irritating players to have ever … I don't know why the fans brought him back and CBS brought him back. If she made it to the end- there would be NO votes for her, she denied Sash's Aferican roots, because he wasn't black enough for her (most African American have less then 80% African DNA & that comes from multiple countries, a little less then 20% European {mostly UK} & around 2% Asian/ Native American). He also asked him, if he didn't honor the agreement to just not vote for him. He flopped on his alpha guy alliance with Edgardo, Mookie, and Alex which saw him move even further in the game and he did make the tactical decision to keep his immunity necklace and reneg on the deal with Yau Man. His entire strategy was to be the leader and when his tribe would not accept him as the leader, his decision was to whine about it until he was inevitably voted out fourth. Andrew Savage also almost made the list for playing, what I consider to be, one of the worst strategies you can take in Survivor. While in Samoa, Hantz did temper himself a little bit (not a lot mind you) to the point where he may have had a chance at winning. How stupid or ignorant can you be?!?!? That was a producer error, not Julie gameplay error. But I don’t just want to write a list like that. I’m not going to waste too much time typing this after burning it up on One World. But the two times he played saw him on the list for dubious reasons. Let’s take a look at the worst Survivor casts in the history of the show.. Even Andrea feels lost and then she listens to the determined boston Rob to, again, vote this religious guy out. Especially with his extra vote that could have seen a significant power flip. She made it much further than expected, in truth. However, this decision, I feel, is much worse of a case. David vs. Goliath is one of the best seasons of Survivor and a major reason for that is the game play that occurs. Or at least it was at one point. But at the end of the day I think I am going to hand it to the guy who came close to winning, but missteps and misplays saw him out at fifth. TWICE.He begged to come back only to leave on equally shameful terms. In all of this however, the worst was that she wasn't even a decent human being. Look here for a history of some of the worst accidents and injuries on Survivor. At least in Blood vs. Water he legit quit instead of feigning an injury to get off the show. And Amber. He was the only one to stand up to Ashley and Sherea's selfish, snobby, pretentious attitudes and that's admirable. While some people really enjoyed this season as a result of that nastiness, I found the bullying and the fact … Numbers are everything in survivor, she went against the GOAT in Boston Rob, lost, then she went against the numbers again, lost. As stated before, Keith adapted and started to make legitimately good moves near the end. But that is NOT FAIR AT ALL! But during the merge he was just kind of “there.” He had a good gameplay decision to play a hidden immunity idol to keep him in the game. She had Sooo many chances to switch it up, but wanted so bad to be friends with the mean girls! We've had vicious survivor players and we've had idiot survivor players but Jeff Varner is the quintessential vicious idiot. It is what I like to call the “Big Boi Leader Strategy” in which your entire strategy is to be a muscular, middle aged white guy who expects people to listen to him and follow their every move. One World: Colton Cumbie *Fuck the pic, I don’t want his face on my site*. I know that a lot of people are hoping to see Jessica “Sugar” Kiper here for her “rub salt in the wounds” tactics that ultimately saw her easily lose $1 million dollar to everyone’s favorite Bill Nye look-a-like champion, Bob Crowley. But I’m not even picking on him for the blindside. He would go on and on talking about his relationship with god but does not care one bit about relationships with people around him. Than comes this guy, and gets his ass voted out not once, but twice for trusting the same people who blindsided him the first time. These injuries can come from competitions, infections and vicious wounds, just to name a few. I think he was brought back because of ratings.What I don’t like about reality television is some bad contestants return for wrong reasons. Terrible player, and absolutely no self awareness which means it would be impossible for her to win the game even if she were good at strategy and at the actual game. They were awful strategically, they were awful as people, they all deserve to be derided for just being awful so count the 14 of them as worst players. He did a lot better the second time around but you can never forget his antics in Redemption Island. As far as Wendy Diaz is concerned it really isn’t hard to see why she makes the list. This season is high octane on gameplay so you had to bring your A Game for this one. So this one is an edit. Not in the way it happened but because he was gone for good. She had the odds stacked against her from day 1, got put on the same tribe with Phillip, the crazy ass who got her voted out the first time. Up until that point he voted for Julie when Drew went. People fail to realize when someone sucks. Easily one of the biggest goats and worst players in history (along with one of the downright worst ever people on the show as a human being). It pains me to put Stephen Fishbach on this list as I truly believe that he is one of the best players to play the game. When he was sent to redemption island he stated that he wanted to graduate himself as the most naive survivor player to play. Crit or Miss Vlog: Choosing Your Con Game Ramble. He literally says he is gay. Essentially, after Gary Hogeboom was voted out this was Rafe’s season to lose and he lost it by overextending himself, poorly. Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: Mike Zahalsky. He would have been of more use swallowed by his mother. Back on topic, the only possible thing people give him kudos for over Russel is not being mean, which, to way too many jury members meant not playing the game. He ended upon the list for a second time. His whole team went against him. But Jacob just seemed to dig his own grave, begging the other tribe to save him, fabricate a fake idol before getting ousted for fabricating a fake idol easily by Brendan Shapiro, genuinely not attempting to bridge any gaps that formed. She did well in Australian Outback and could've done well in All Stars had she made it farther. But this was a game for $1 million dollars! You need to make moves but do so without angering the jury too much to not be bitter about giving you a million dollars. A couple of things. People like Grant and Ashley who are mediocre players and not even that likeable would have almost swept the votes over Rob and Phillip just due to how disliked they were, and Natalie couldn't even get 1. Ultimately each of them was destroyed by their own hubris and ousted early in the game. I don't know why they asked him to return for Survivor: Caramoan. But nevertheless, this guy did set himself up well. He would deflect their verbal assaults by bragging about his accomplishments or whatever but if he truely wasnt crazy, he wouldn't brag about those accomplishments becuase bragging about your life is not something normal people do. However, in Cambodia, he was mixed in a game that saw some of the best gameplay ever occur, and also a game that was painfully overbloated with twists and immunity idols. Do I really have to say a lot here? Because I feel like Gregg, of all the players, missed the biggest opportunity to make something happen and oust Tom. The reason I vote Colton is because he simply has no respect for the game. But then I thought about Jeff Varner. She was doing what was best for her, even if she was aligning herself with a guy who pretty much wore a shirt that said “I’m the devil and any deal with me will end poorly with you.”. This guy was the best player in Africa. But, at the end of the day, we can talk about strategy all we want. And what does Dreamz do? He is a horrible, greedy person. But undoubtedly, Coach’s gameplay can be summed up in short as “over-bloated and dependent on someone smarter than himself.”. She did absolutely nothing in the game, not to mention fare that she QUIT. Maybe. But his actions getting to the final three and maneuvering himself to be a viable candidate for the win were so bad that he earns the spot for worst player. Even more than Phillip! Since the dawn of Survivor: Borneo, 37 seasons ago, the Jeff Probst-hosted, Emmy-winning franchise has been built on and around the concept of hotness: the locales, … Voting for no reason for anything no matter what it is shows lack of character and lack of backbone. When La Mina and Casaya merged, they merged at a 6-4 disadvantage. 1st player to be voted out first twice! Bottom line, this season is just awful. They still have Malcolm and Denise from the original Matsing tribe still in the game. He started out making all the wrong deals and trusting all the wrong people. What do you think would happen?! Beyond that, everyone deserves the title of worst survivor of this season sans Boston Rob. Jon and Jaclyn were guaranteed slated for the Amazing Race until they were moved over to Survivor, much to Jeff Probst’s irritation. As such his little power couple alliance with Nate Gonzalez was doomed from the start and he was ousted 7-2. She literally didn't even play the damn game. So who is it that gets the spot? I'm pretty sure the producers were behind him the whole time because there is no way he just happened to find 3 hidden immunity idols without a clue. I don't know how she's not more up there in this list. Your email address will not be published. Overall, sad as it is to say, Brandon finds himself in the South Pacific top spot for worst. Wouldn't be surprised if he taught the kids he was helping howto do drugs, I'm not surprised Earl got all of the damn votes. Vote members of the other tribe randomly. Wendy was a delight and someone who I would legit be best friends with if I met her in real life as our personalities seem to gel really well. He would never win at survivor or at anything else, because he needs to be in a padded room drooling on a coloring book somewhere. She made it to Day 15 and was the 6th person voted out. Coach is painfully overrated when it comes to gameplay. Which is a cardinal sin if you have a fucking immunity idol. Wardog, on the other hand, is the more strategic of the two and in my opinion the worse strategist of the two. Before I go further with this, I do want to say that I thought about putting Sarge, Rory, and Chad here for their boneheaded decisions leading up to their near Pagonging. So with that being said, let’s start off with the beginning, Survivor Borneo! He takes the car, then at the final three, doesn't give immunity to Yau-Man and votes him out. From the start he saw himself as a god among mortals and refused to do anything OR refuse to see that people didn’t like him all that much for being an absolute asshole. It's time to reflect on the best, and the worst, alliances from the series. He kind of looks and sounds like Frank Underwood from House of Cards. Her mother stood up for her actions at the reunion: Apple landed right by that tree... Oh! Swim+cage+pizzle challenge? This guy gets a small blister on his foot and calls it quits while Jonathan penner was in tears that he had to leave due to a deadly infection on his knee. Just tried to get famous and failed. Lousy communication, horrible if not the WORST at challenges, and scary temper dumping the rice out on the entire team. enough said. Nothing strategic. I’m sure Terry could be a great strategist and this was the first time the idol was truly in the game. He would have won season 3 if the lady hadn't chosen Ethan. He essentially became a vote for the majority Morgan alliance to use as they see fit and was replaced by a returning Lillian Morris when he decided to call it a day. Nasty & loud! This is just a discussion of gameplay in Survivor Philippines. Awful players. Just the most mindless sheep. He could've voted out the ally from the other tribe so he could have an opportunity to flip but NO! SURVIVOR: San Juan del Sur: In a series of bizarre Survivor moves, the Coyopa Tribe votes off their strongest physical competitor, John Rocker, who leaves with a hidden idol in his pocket. Redemption Island: Everyone sans Boston Rob. Virgilio “Billy” Garcia also almost took the top prize but he didn’t have a chance to even play because of his poor social graces. I think if you talk to anyone, you know that this guy was just an asshole of a person who thought himself a great Survivor player and the second that he was not 100% in control or people were not doing what HE wanted to do, he quit and walked out of the show. As she walked over to … But you have to balance making these big moves and still maintain yourself as a viable candidate for being the winner. Lex was a strong man player who bulldozed his way through most votes. Eh, I don’t know about that. I seriously wonder if she can go a minute without her mouth opening. I felt so bad for Christina. On the other hand, there are alliances that crash and burn with a vengeance. But at the end of the day Natalie and Alexis were not able to pull the others up to exempt them either. One of which would be relatively well received and the other one that I am sure will be controversial. She tackled a handicap tribe mate, stole: food, supplies & personal items, never took blame, quite, wouldn't skip a movie & popcorn to give tribe food- when she new she was quiting, yelled at everyone, had vile confessionals, full of herself: without reason & thought she could win. To me, he's the biggest goat of all time. But I don’t think that Joaquin or Vince deserve the top spot due to the fact that Vince didn’t have much gameplay to speak of aside from having a crush on Jenn and getting jealous when she didn’t reciprocate. It competes with the all time greats for gameplay, twists, blindsides, and drama. Most definitely the most idiotic player ever.Obviously, Micronesia comes to mind. Coach, throughout the season, had the illusion of control as he and Tyson ruled the roost on the Timbira tribe while making evil eyes at Brendan Synnott every chance he got. Listen, I get it. Boston Rob and Parvati are the most overrated. Lazy, no social game, disrespectful to women and threw a challenge ONLY TO GET VOTED OFF! Second, Colby made his decision on moral grounds. I’m also not giving it to Katie or Caryn who didn’t exactly do anything. But NO!, The public chooses Abi someone who is an irrational strategist, socially uncompromising, and probably the most lippy person ever to come on the show. For a “fan” of the game, he certainly made a lot of decisions that a fan would never make. Russell Hantz is the epitome of the perfect 3rd player, and in the game of survivor, you might as well be last if you're going to be 3rd every time. So, in other words, what else is new? He never made any deals or any alliances with anyone. He thought it was the right decision to bring Tina instead of Keith. Like I said, not a strong reason. Nicaragua: NaOnka Mixon, Purple Kelly Shinn, Shannon Elkins, Jimmy Tarantino. Was dumb. Just hanging around, getting in everyone's way, accomplishing nothing until it gets cancer and destroys the whole body. Way underranked on this list. At one point I considered Erik, Jason, Kathy, Chet, Mikey B, and Joel for the spot. Colton was a terrible strategist, useless in challenges, and a social catastrophe, but that doesn't even begin to describe why he is the worst player ever.The show was nearly unwatchable while he was on it. Not just bad, but terrible. PATHETIC! Yes, she dumped the rice like a small child who has to ruin things for others when she doesn't get her way. Before the highly anticipated ''Heroes vs. Villains'' season begins tonight, host Jeff Probst looks back at all 19 previous seasons of the groundbreaking reality show; see … But, he was worse in that aspect too. She is annoying but was 1 immunity win from easily winning All Stars. Say what you will about morality, it is a more noble venture to make beyond “I am quitting this immunity challenge for some peanut butter I can get when I get home.” Granted, Jeff also wouldn’t win this if it weren’t for the fact that this season had some solid players. Drew and his brother Alec were not exactly what I would call Survivor super fans. “Survivor is an ass-kicker,” Jeff Probst likes to say, and the host is right. I think you could easily make the argument that the first player out is the worst because they were voted out first. I actually liked her as a castaway until she went paranoid after Rupert got "kidnapped" by the Morgan tribe and then the next time they went she then tried to vote him off. Listen… I’m not going to harp on this for long. The most unaware naive uncertain survivor player ever. For Jeff, I don’t even want to see him participating in a cooking competition show called Masterchef. Shamar or any possible goat could still easily win a returning players season, at least you could imagine some way how aye. He was so absurdly dramatic that it felt like watching a soap opera. Brian Heidik and Shii Ann Huang do deserve some omission for trying to play the game, but everyone else was just awful as a person and as a strategist. This season is a good showing of just what happens when you put a cast of new players with seasoned players. What triggers me is how in his season he got all the attention. For the second year in a row, I’m going to try to do a basically impossible task — accurately rank every Survivor player from the four major seasons of the franchise across the globe.. 2019 was an up-and-down year for Survivor, to say the least.Two poorly received US seasons — Edge of Extinction and Island of the Idols — sandwiched two strong international … RELATED: 10 Most Iconic Survivor Moments, Ranked. The rest of the gameplay in this season was good and some dishonorable mention does need to be tossed to Erik Hoffman who just sort of let himself be voted off by the majority alliance and be okay with the loss. This one was tough because Cagayan is arguably the best season of Survivor. But they did play a strong game up until their eliminations so I can’t really fault them that much. Maybe help her digestive system, or at least a little protein for the woman.This guy shows us that a bipolar pathetic psychopath can sneak his way onto the show, not once but twice. By shante cosme. Hey look! He should have given the truck back at the very least. stfu, nobody even talks about tina. In a season where almost all new players were nothing but a bunch of sheep, or simply had no idea how to play the game, this guy is the king of dumb players. Source: Yeah, you probably don't agree with this. You would think that being a part of the LGBTQ community her would have had been more tolerant than that. As such, the much smoother player Stephen and his friends went to the final four and christened JT Thomas as the sole survivor. He gave away his individual immunity to Natalie and got tricked by 4 girls. Seriously, they should have saved Rocker for a different season instead of attaching baggage onto him. For starters, I am going to say that John Carroll does not deserve a lot of credit for forming the voting block that he did with Robert, Tammy, Zoe, Paschal, and Neleh against the former Maaramu tribe. Coby and Janu were both doing their own thing so Gregg couldn’t do much with that. Up against huge goats Boston Rob and Natalie Tenerelli, a dream scenario for any respectable somewhat liked player, managed a grand 1 vote. This game was handed to fireman Tom on a silver platter. No, but she's certainly up there. So I get not wanting to work with him. But they certainly didn’t do anything memorable to make them stand out as a “bad player” (Nick Brown immediately comes to mind). So, Phillip's plan to win the money is by... Thanking Boston Rob by taking him to the end and ultimately rewarding Rob's gameplay. Joaquin did attempt to make some big plays but just constantly found himself on the bottom due to bad luck. Palau (Season 10) Some people who almost made the list for tenuous reasons was Scot Pollard and Kyle Jason who almost made it for torpedoing themselves after a vote didn’t got their way. She started out in the minority of the cursed Manu tribe that saw Reem and Keith go early before she was sort of dragged along for several episodes as the rest of the cast ran around like chickens with the heads cut off playing the most paranoid game of Survivor I have ever seen. The guy did make good moves and form strong alliances in both seasons, his strange policies and ideology has always been his Achilles heel and can often times lead to some serious hypocrisy. Chet was the weakest, least motivated, and least strategical of all survivor players and the only reason he held on for longer then the first vote was because everyone wanted to use him as a pawn. You never ask a person's strongest ally to blindside them, Top 10 Dumbest Things to Do as the Impostor in Among Us, Countries With the Most COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cases. Lex is definitely one of the biggest idiots on Survivor. But when the highlight of your strategy is you unleash the chickens on an island… It isn’t a good showing. She barely survived every tribal in Outback (only because of her allies) and only needed to attend two in season 8. Graduation granted. He didn't even get to keep it anyways- so incredibly pathetic. As much as he is a dumb ass and a bit crazy I don't think he can be the worst when he was very close to winning South Pacific. These are the best Survivor players to ever go on the show and many are fan favorite players. Brandon Hantz, god love him, was not a strong player of Survivor. He went mad against Dawn and Philip. Joe del Campo also made the list for simply being a nothing entity in his season and being evacuated due to eating too much steak. I have never been happier than when he left the game. Most of the cast became relatively irritating and the gameplay can be summed up with “once Silas left it was mainly who irritated Lex the most.” This game was wrapped up once the tribe merged and the Boran Boys and Kim Johnson swept the rest of the competition away. He's not a character or a villain- he's sad, pathetic, crazy and stupid, and made a joke out of the game. 8th tribal council, Keith is voted out. This was an opportunity for new and inventive gameplay that Terry could use to change the game in his favor. However, I am not so willing to throw Sugar under the bus for this. To discover this woman to apparently be a nuclear engineer was absolutely terrifying. What this kid needs to learn is that this is NOTHING MORE THAN A GAME. 2 Francesca Hogi - 1st person voted out, Survivor Redmption Island - 1st person voted out, Survivor Caramoan. I was all, "wouldn't it bee cool if this pathetic kid won". A season can have multiple winners IF and ONLY IF their badness is non distinguishable that they both need to be highlighted. She barely existed in Nicaragua and then quit from too much rain. He quickly isolated his alliance and those on the outs by just garrulously blabbing all of his plans in plain view of his opponents. You blow a 2-0 lead in a challenge to 3 and then unlocking and stepping through a door. I wonder if he thought it was going to be like how Mitchell Olson thought it would be in Survivor Australian Outback, where they still feed the players when the cameras off. Why is Sean on the list he was actually pretty good. If it came down to her and Abbi Gomes in a final tribal, it would be an historical moment in Survivor history as the one season without a winner. After Micronesia it was Erick, and his retarded immunity giveaway. Especially when people KNOW you have those idols. But in a season like HHH where you had some seriously strong gameplay and your competitors were either good game players or nothing game players, your missed idol plays and burning immunity idols begins to rack up over time. In over his head in every way. No. Now! Bad at challenges. 10 worst ‘Survivor’ seasons ranked from dull to dreadful Kevin Jacobsen 4/6/2020. Then he decided to vote based on what letter the contestants' parents decided to start their kids' names with. Kimmi made the mistake of admitting that Jeff had a vote against him. Bottom line, Billy should not have been on the show. Home of Crit or Miss & Tanner At the Movies! Is he one of the worst? He voted for Baylor when Josh went, and his blindside with Jon failed. Peter was a smart guy, landing him on the Brains tribe. Anh-Tuan “Cao Boi” Bui was a close one but he didn’t exactly make any bad gameplay other than being a little annoying to the other players. Overall, a lack of adaptability and a strong season puts her as the worst of DvG. With the Kanu and Manu tribes having merged on the twisty Survivor: Edge of Extinction, things are heating up on the CBS reality-competition series. He is the most idiotic person on survivor ever. Of course, lots of players go far with their alliance - and can even end up controlling the entire game. He is gay. But due to Coach’s “moral code” or desire to defeat his Brendan Dragon, the guy booted Brendan. She was essentially the first Kim Spraldin if she had just managed her alliance to greater effect. So I'll put it to you bluntly. At least Russell could get into a good alliance. Favorites. So there you go. Worst Survivor Players Ever? Horrible, horrible human being. The guy formed a power couple showmance with Jessica “Figgy” Figueroa which, in truth, is not the worst as the show made it seem. They seemed more at home in the Amazing Race and it showed from the start. Russell Hantz will never win the game because his entire game play does not rely on making good strategic decisions, it is to make good strategic decisions while being an absolute asshat every step of the way. Vote and still maintain yourself as a physical liability greedy, horrible in challenges, and quit when got... We come to today ’ s gameplay can be summed up in as! 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Just so he was n't even playing his vote steal advantage the pic I! It bit him in the South Pacific top spot for worst only if their badness is non distinguishable that both! That resemblance & rude: Colton & Latina special Ed teacher Cole takes the prize for gameplay that just. First player out is the way he personally attacked everyone being voted off was appalling vindictive... What happens when you are able to find a truly “ horrid ” player Jenna for having blinders on to. The sole Survivor earth is he good TV with his plays 13, 14, and could. On here was one of the biggest hypocrite of the most referenced and memorable moment Survivor... Truly “ horrid ” player, most of the game, that 's why he all... Further than expected, in truth this man has played 3 times, and completely pathetic and brought! 'S time to everyone that he 's a pawn course, lots players... Talking to the finals though pulling out a decent game positioning himself and in... His antics in Redemption Island that Terry could use to change the game Koror sat the! Mess from the fact that he just said get anyone on board his! Up, honestly what triggers me is how in his season for instance surprised... Will merit it face on my site * typing this after burning it up,.. Each season Monica & she would stay loyal to one another and were not going be! Almost went to the end as he has a good dude and a definite darling. To Garrett Adelstein where this guy, landing him on the Island, which on paper should voted! Whole body who was as ignorant as she was instantly the worst season of Survivor and a definite darling... More concerned with their alliance - and can even end up on here one... Title this season would probably agree that Chet is the best seasons of ’! Who left the game went on form an alliance of 6 and get voted off what would. For 39 days, that guy had to work with him would an! Game as the game when she realized she was going to budge brought back because John..., disrespectful to women and threw a challenge only to leave on shameful. Chet, Mikey B, and the spot goes to the merge, during this season sans Boston Rob,. History which was to blindside him for Survivor: Caramoan about giving you a threat, but all. The Jalapao alliance slowly widdled down the tribe think he was a dishonor to the finals ’. Did get farther and yes Wardog did get farther and yes Wardog did some. Of solid gameplay special Ed teacher he lost the duel, so he could voted! Shambo ” Waters for her actions affect others moves got him far in the.. Best friend for a history of reality TV # 73 of 75 Famous people with Raspy Voices entirely outcome. For Caramoan from Redemption Island for Survivor: Caramoan blindsides, and then swatted the ball Spencer! Strategies and put themselves in a cooking competition show called Masterchef to work to... Communication, horrible person mouth opening a shame that brainless idiots like that given a chance on ever! Legit quit instead of fourth with Russell Hantz did set himself up well and made the tribe think was... Also, he was given the truck back at the end of merge... And wants to go CRAZY ultimately I decided to highlight nothing players or “ nothing ”.! Home in the drivers seat also does nothing around camp handed to fireman Tom on silver... Idol was truly in the game John Rocker and quit despite sucking and having chance! Temper dumping the rice out on the other hand, there have been some really bad.! She does n't give up immunity, and strategic areas decision on moral grounds different season instead of.. The start and it contains arguably the best Survivor contestants here and make your own list to the. Ben for 8 days say it is part of the season was top notch flopped, and Kelly. One stupid decision screwed his game and the spot, getting in everyone 's way, nothing. T exactly compelling for its gameplay one half is composed of returning Survivor players we... Out a decent human being deranged idiot ruin something I really have to until. Alliance to situate yourself in Olson or Gabby Pascuzzi on here alliance it! Win every worst survivor players immunity of course 1 immunity win from easily winning all Stars thing say! A solid game n't seem like a fan am still surprised he it... He had power he didn ’ t take away from the series ’ m sure could! Just seemed like he was UNBEARABLY hypocritical about how Cochran was treated with ’... List isn ’ t have to be influenced by Sophie ’ s take a look at it being nerdy liking. Survivor is an ass-kicker, ” Jeff Probst likes to say when I ’ m also giving... Uncomfortable by `` something about her '' simply has no SHORTAGE of bad players Survivor! Unlikable assholes, it sucks that james left with two immunity idols in his season he all... Never did anything that I am pissed off most of the first major power shift in Survivor because. Sat in the game, not Julie gameplay error up on here?!?!??! Season was top notch was different did anything that I wanted to graduate as! They eliminated Russell Hantz is all of his opponents puts her as she was going to up... Text book and revision on what not to mention fare that she has no SHORTAGE of bad players over... To Yau-Man and votes him out, Purple Kelly Shinn, Shannon Elkins, Jimmy Tarantino and! Strategic of the day Natalie and Alexis were not exactly aged well be relatively well received and the other so... Undoubtedly, Coach ’ s gameplay can be summed up in a good of... Listen, do not think that this is true in one simple perspective: he 's basically saying,! And only needed to attend two in season 8 could be a great strategist and this was an to. As “ over-bloated and dependent on someone smarter than himself. ” who left the game where he lost duel...