Read more…. reply #3. maxslemeck. When they are young these fish will be fine in a 20 gallon aquarium, but as they get bigger, they will need more space. The best Clown Loach tank mates are going to be others of the same species. Good tank mates for Yoyo Loaches: a group of at least six Clown Loaches, all kinds of Gouramis, one Redtail Shark or one Rainbow Shark, all Barbs, all Danios, and all Rainbows. Tank Mates: Groups of the same species. But some of them is not popular because it is not easy to be found in the tank. Taking care of them is extremely easy. Because In captivity, yoyo loaches do best in weak-moving waters with subdued lighting. Despite the alternative common name Pakistani loach, the true B. almorhae is not known from Pakistan (the species in this country is B. birdi). Even so, ensure to introduce other peaceful aquatic animals as well. Name: Yo Yo Loach (Botia lohachata) Family: Cobitidae. And because they are burrowers, add a fine substrate like sand and gravel. While this may not be a problem, it's best to keep a shoal of at least three, preferably more. The minimum tank size for yoyo loaches should be at least 3 foot for juvenile fish, as they mature and grow in size 4 foot - 6 foot is required to give them the swimming space that they need. These slender, whisker-like sensory organs add to the uniqueness of this species. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Consider schooling tetras, mollies and platys, single-tail goldfish, glass catfish, algae-eating Bristlenose or Clown plecos, or bottom feeders like Clown loaches and Corydoras species. It can be very active compared to the slow moving angelfish. They prefer a slightly soft and acidic water, with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5 and hardness of 3 to 10 dGH. They have a long, slender body with a cone-shaped face and snout surrounded by 4 pairs of barbells. Share your thoughts below, or check out the bigger Tankarium community on social media! They got the nickname “Yoyo” from their habit of popping up to the center of the tank and back repeatedly, just like a children’s toy! Hillstream Loach – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Kuhli Loach – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Zebra Loach – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, « Amazon Frogbit – Care, Growth, Propagation, Light, Maintenance, Tropheus Cichlid – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding ». Let’s take a look at their requirements: These active bottom feeders need plenty of space, extremely clean water and do best when kept in mature aquariums, so you’ll want to set up a loach habitat a few months prior to introducing your Yoyo’s to the community. However, note that your loaches will need space to … I am VERY set on getting some yoyo loaches. Even the ICUN lists yoyo loach as a ‘least concern’ in the red list because of how common these fishes are. It can’t be said that the fish is a good tank mate for species of the same kind, since in a school an alpha male fish becomes a chief and sometimes he haunts other males. We recommend keeping at least five fish together. We don’t know much about Yoyo loach reproduction, but they are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity without using artificial hormones. It’s best to feed a variety of foods just before turning the lights out. Migration may play an important role in the breeding behavior of wild loaches, but that’s very hard to replicate in an aquarium, so you won’t be seeing any babies in your tank. They do well in a community aquarium with other less aggressive species, but they can hold their own with mildly aggressive tank mates. Anything yoyo loaches can’t view as food will be fine. Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. As scavengers, they’ll eat almost anything they come across, so it’s best to feed them daily and offer a few treats a week to balance out their nutrition. The Yoyo loach (Botia almorhae) is a lovely, long freshwater fish with eye-catching markings and behaviors. All the best! While you may be able to start a young loach in a 20-gallon tank, you’ll need at least 40-gallons for a single adult and 110-gallons for a group of 5. Not only that. Here’s a complete list of the supplies and equipment needed for the ideal loach habitat. Yoyo’s also have tiny, defensive suborbital spines under their eyes, so be careful they don’t get tangled in your fishnet. Tankmates. As nearly scaleless fish, Yoyo loaches are especially susceptible to water-borne pathogens, toxins, and many aquatic medications. The main species, Botia almorhae, also known as the Almora Loach, is found only in northern India and Nepal. Generally, people keep them with peaceful fishes because they may become aggressive with their species or other aggressive fish. Do not keep them with large or aggressive tankmates. It’s a silver loach that features dark markings that resemble the letters ‘Y-O-Y-O’ and as it moves through the water, some say its bouncy movements look very much like those of a yoyo toy. Literally eating out its stomach. If you’re looking for an energetic and exciting animal to bring some pizazz to the lower parts of a large aquarium, consider adding a group of Yoyo Loaches. Yoyo loaches do best when kept in peaceful communities with similar sized or smaller tank mates that have overlapping care requirements. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Great fish with great character, I'd recommend getting one of these guys! I wouldn't do it if I were you. Therefore ideal tank mates are those fish which occupy the upper regions of the tank. Avoid keeping with larger fish or semi or aggressive species, or with invertebrates like snails or shrimp, Excellent option for planted aquariums but still needs open areas for swimming, and may snack on plants. It’s rare to see them swimming at the surface, but they are extremely active and constantly dart about. Yoyo loaches are active during the day and prefer planted aquariums, but don’t care for really bright lights, which can make growing aquatic plants a bit challenging. Good Yoyo Loach tank mates include: Glass Catfish; Tetras; Molly Fish; Pygmy Corydoras; Catfish; Clown Loaches; Kribensis; Angelfish; Goldfish; Plecos; Yoyo Loach Diseases. Just because two species are typically compatible doesn’t mean it … Tank Mates. What’s more, the Yoyo Loach, which is also known as Pakistani Loach or Almora loach, has four pairs of barbels that protrude from its mouth area. Which is why the filter system should be as efficient as possible and 30% of the tank water gets replaced every week. They’re usually the first species in the community to show symptoms when there’s an outbreak of Ich, and they’re prone to other bacterial, viral and fungal infections: For a group of 5 Yoyo loaches and a variety of other community fish, you’ll need to set up your tank and allow it to fully cycle and mature for a few months before adding your loaches. Panda Loach - Yaoshania pachychilus. Yoyo Loach aka Almora Loach (Botia almorhae) Find out more. A true dwarf loach that grow to a max size of around 2" - 2.4" or so. Yoyo Loach, Pakistani Loach, Almora Loach (Botia almorhae), Scavenging omnivore; feeds on shrimp, snails, insects, eggs/larvae and plant materials, Offer sinking catfish/omnivore pellets with treats of algae wafers and brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, bloodworms and shrimp eggs, Peaceful and social, but may squabble among themselves when kept in small groups or tight conditions, and solo loaches may be shy, 40 gallons; add 15 gallons per loach or 110-gallons for 5, Well filtered and highly oxygenated water with a minimal current and no detectable ammonia/nitrates, Egglayer; Difficult to breed in captivity, Ideal for peaceful communities with similar sized or smaller fish like tetras, catfish, Corydoras, Goldfish, and plecos. The yoyo loach in my aquarium at school also managed to kill one of my White Clound mountain minnows. Avoid keeping them with semi or aggressive fish like cichlids, Tiger Barbs and most freshwater sharks. Here’s a list of some of the most popular yoyo loach tank mates: It’s also important to note that yoyo loaches may seem aggressive with other members of their species but that’s only because they’re tussling for dominance. Add all the loaches at the same time so they can set up a hierachy between themselves. Here’s a list of some commonly used Yoyo Loach tank mates to get you started: Glass Catfish; Cory Catfish; Angelfish; Clown Loach; Various Types Of Goldfish; Plecos (Bristlenose or Clown usually work) Molly Fish; Congo Tetra; Author Note: Always monitor your fish very closely when introducing them to one another. Scientifically known as Botia almorhae, the Yoyo Loach is one of the most unique fishes to grace the aquarium pet industry. Loaches typically live from 5 to 8 years in captivity, but with proper care and close attention to water quality, diet and maintenance routines, they may survive substantially longer. Another important feature to have in the tank is a powerhead or canister filter for proper water current. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Dojo Loach is a fairly popular fish in the aquarium trade usually costing anywhere from $8 - $15 US Dollars. If you get 7 of them and then a week later you get another one, that new one will probably be bullied by the dominant members of the hierachy. White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Oto Catfish and shrimps like the Red Cherry Shrimp are also good tank mates. Additionally, the following water conditions should also suffice: Remember to maintain relatively stable water parameters to ensure your fish don’t become disease-ridden or stressed out. Click here to read about several groups of compatible fish. How Many Can Be Kept Per Gallon? Yoyo loaches do get along with guppies and they will do a great job in cleaning that tank than any pleco will. The following ones are considered to be the most suitable tank mates of Yoyo Loach: Angelfish; African Cichlid; Goldfish; Glass Catfish When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. They are active during the day, instead of at night, so you can enjoy watching them explore. The Clown Loach Tank Mates Talking about the clown loach tank mates, they can live together with the other kind of fish in the same tank such as Kuhli loach, Swordtails, African cichlids, and some tetras. Loaches are curious and social fish, but they are best kept in groups of 5 or more instead of solo or pairs. She is an expert in setting up new tanks and maintaining naturally-planted freshwater habitats, and has experience raising a wide variety of aquatic species. Botia almorhae can reach 17cm (6.8 in) in length, and their markings transform into a more reticulated pattern as they age. One thing’s for sure- with yoyo loaches, your aquarium needs to constantly have well-oxygenated and clean water. Remember, these fish stick to the middle and bottom of your tank, so having other specie to occupy the upper portion is always nice. Yoyo loaches are some of the most fun fishes to own. But these fights never end u… A colorful striped scavenger that grows to about 2-inches in length, the yoyo loach is active during the day. Sinking catfish or bottom feeder pellets, algae wafers or spirulina pellets, fresh/frozen/dried brine shrimp, Gravel vacuum, hoses and a bucket for maintenance, Water testing kit (pH, ammonia, nitrate/nitrite). Tank Mates with large aggressive predators or territorial fish is not recommended. These pets may have some health problems: With their tiny scales, Yoyo loaches are especially sensitive to toxins like ammonia and need very clean, filtered water. Yoyo Loach cannot be called resistant to various diseases since quite often beginners do not carefully monitor the conditions of keeping the fish. If the fish feels safe, the majority of the time it spends in covers and it can even refuse from feeding. Yoyo Loaches need at least a 40 gallon tank. Angelicus Loach (Polka Dot Loach, Burmese Border Loach) – Botia kubotai $ 29.00 Also, as your loaches are going to be grounded most of the time, the middle and upper layers are yours to fill with other fish that generally tend to stay in those layers. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And don’t fall for the ‘hardy fish’ trap like most other owners do. Loaches will also readily eat snails and shrimp, so avoid invertebrates. The yoyo loach, Almora loach or Pakistani loach (Botia almorhae) is a freshwater fish belonging to the loach family Botiidae.It originates in the slow-running and still waters of the Ganges basin in northern India and possibly Nepal. Territorial behavior isn’t an issue with this species! Kuhli Loach Tank Mates. You may need to use fertilizers or a carbon diffusion system to support a heavily planted aquarium: The key to healthy Yoyo loaches lies in your tank’s water quality, since even low levels of ammonia or nitrates increase their stress and can lead to a shortened lifespan. Kuhli Loaches are peaceful fish that pose no threat to other aquarium inhabitants. Your email address will not be published. Range: India. Unfortunately, no one has established a definitive breeding method for yoyo loaches yet because, in the wild, these fish migrate and breed far from their habitats during the breeding season. They don’t care for heavy currents in the bottom of their tank, but some fish enjoy swimming in the flow by the filter outtakes: Yoyo loaches prefer stable temperatures from 75 to 86°F, so you’ll need an aquarium heater. As a rule Botiidae almorhae fishes are good tank mates for other kinds of fishes, but it’s better to avoid aggressive tank mates and raptorial feeders. However, yoyo loach could never complain about bad appetite. So four would need a minimum tank size of 70 gallons. The Yoyo Loach (Botia almorhae) is a very active and friendly fish that makes a good addition to any community aquarium. You will get a wide variety of tank mates for this. However, yoyo loach fish will do just fine in a medium-sized tank. Nevertheless, you might want to avoid placing the in the same fish tank with fish that are raptorial feeders or aggressive in nature. Some loaches nip at long-finned fish, so Angelfish and Fancy Goldfish may not work out, but it just depends. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Fish and other water creatures survive in a range of environmental conditions provided they are…, Loaches are among the most popular fishes for hobby aquarists because they are easy to…, The zebra loach (Botia striata) is a fascinating freshwater fish for beginners and experienced aquarists…. And in the wild, they mostly stay in the middle and at the bottom of the water column. So getting a yoyo loach can be a bit risky. What do you think of these bouncy bottom feeders? Tank Mates for yoyo fish Yoyo loach fish is incredible fish that can go and mate with much other fish. This fish is generally peaceful until and unless any aggressive fish attacks it. Today, native populations of yoyo loaches are widespread through the Middle East and Asia. With this fish, aim for perfection. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. They do good in shoals of 5 or more and add much activity to any tank once well accustomed to their new home! Your email address will not be published. Though most of the loaches are nocturnal, the Yoyo loach, once acclimated and comfortable with its surroundings, will come out during daylight hours and scavenge for food in rocks and crevices. Their skin is embedded with tiny scales, which lends a hint of color to their appearance, but also renders them very sensitive to toxins and water quality: Juveniles are sold around 2-inches in length, and adults range from 3 to 6 inches at maturity. This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Consider investing in a UV sanitizer to reduce the parasites or pathogens floating in your water column. Expect your yoyo loaches to swim to the top during feeding time. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. So to keep four yoyo loaches, you need at least 70 gallons. It’s also recommended to install a tight-fitting lid as yoyo loaches tend to jump whenever they get startled. Here’s a few quick facts about these strange looking scavengers: Loaches are distributed throughout many parts of Asia and the Middle East, and there’s several similar and closely related species in the Botiidae family that may be sold in the trade as “Yoyo” loaches: There’s at least two types of Yoyo commonly seen in the trade, and likely others as well. The Dojo Loach is sometimes called the Weather Loach because of its reported behavior when the barometric pressure drops. Learn how your comment data is processed. Wild loaches live in rocky-bottomed rivers and streams, so using a mix of aquarium gravel, rocks and pebbles is an easy way to recreate their natural habitat. They can be territorial with each other, but usually don’t pay much attention to other fish when they have a social group of their own: Loaches are considered moderately challenging to care for since they’re very sensitive to their conditions and water quality. The Yoyo Loach can put up with a fair amount of abuse and loves swimming around with groups of other Yoyo loaches, or other fish. They usually get along with most of the other types of aquarium fish. Keeping about seven yoyo loaches at a go is key since these fishes do best when they’re in groups. Tankarium is reader-supported. Yoyo loaches should live with other similarly-sized fish for interaction and stimulation. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. Coarse or jagged gravel could injure their sensitive barbells as they dig for food or shelter, so look for smoother products or a mix of substrates. A neat thing about this fish is that you don’t have to worry about achieving a specific male-to-female ratio. Jen has more than 30 years experience as a biologist, aquarist, and fishkeeper. Kept as a group, these loaches will be more concerned with each other than their tank mates, although small fish and long-finned fish should definitely be avoided. Tank Mates for Yoyo Loaches They are not suited to sharing a tank with slow moving or nervous fish. And once you offer them food, they grab it, turn, and make the cute sucking noises. Researchers aren’t sure if this colour difference is due to the loaches being different species or environmental reasons. Sluggish, not so active fish are a strict no-no in a tank of yoyo loaches as they will not be able to keep up the tempo of the loaches. The yoyo loach is going to be actively having fun in the tank, so care has to be taken to put it in a group of fish that can behave the same way. The Pakistani Loach, Botia lohachata, has a different range and darker markings, and tends to grow a bit larger: Botia loaches are unique in one respect; they’re nearly scaleless fish. Yoyo loach are hardy fish but only when in the right conditions. Check out this guide for future updates in case someone finds a way to safely breed yoyo loaches in a home aquarium. Best Fish For A 20-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Fish For A 10-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Place To Buy Healthy Betta Fish Online, Loach Tank Set-up and Habitat Requirements, Ideal Yoyo Loach Set-Up: Supplies and Equipment List, In young loaches, the random pattern of partial bands, Keep your water clear and fresh by maintaining your filtration system and, Poor water quality or inconsistent maintenance routines, Be very cautious when medicating a loach tank and keep a. I don’t recommend Yoyo’s for beginning fish keepers, but once you’ve mastered the needs of scaleless fish like catfish you should be up to the challenge. I have 2 of options for which tanks I can put them in. And as mentioned earlier, hiding places come in handy especially because this fish will feel nervous when you introduce it to a new tank. They may also see smaller fish as food. Any fish with reduced scales is more prone to diseases and extremely sensitive to the medications used to treat these diseases. Yoyo Loach Care - Tank Mates other Bottom Feeders? While they mostly stick to the bottom and middle regions, these powerful swimmers can also jump a few feet out of the water, so a lid or hood is needed to keep them safe. In fact, it’s more than a hobby, because I’ve spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. What’s more, limit yourself to one fish per every 10- to 15- gallon tank. That’s why they are not a good option for new or cycling habitats and are best kept in mature aquariums: Yoyo loaches are omnivorous, but they prefer a mostly carnivorous diet. 110-gallon or larger tank with a stand, cover/hood, and light fixture, Airstone or bubbling device with air pump and plastic tubing, Decor including rocks, slate and boulders, Plant fertilizer tabs and/or liquid fertilizers. Kuhli Loaches have good compatibility with fish that live in the upper or middle layers of the water. I feed them this sinking shrimp pellets made by omega one. Ph: 7.4. So never attempt to introduce them into biologically immature tanks. Yoyo Loach Care – Aquarium Parameters, Health, Diet, And More The Best Fish Tanks – Guide on Different Gallon Aquariums Paradise Fish Care Requirements – Aquarium Parameters, Tank Mates… Could never complain about bad appetite your pets when choosing tankmates for yoyo are. Filtered water 6.8 in ) in length, the majority of the tank same sized fish or smaller... Like sand and gravel various diseases since quite often beginners do not keep them with peaceful fishes they! Max size of 70 gallons about this fish is not meant to be a bit risky in! That grows to about 2-inches in length, the majority of the water column like a child ’ for! Aquarium with other fish problem, it 's best to feed a variety of foods just before turning the out! 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