When I saw him disappear down there I would cry, thinking he wouldnt come back. When the British gave India independence in 1947 and divided it, we went with the newly created Pakistan but stayed autonomous. It cant be repaid with expressions like thank you. Why did Colonel Junaid decide to operate? She carried her bag of books proudly into school and claims she was brighter than the boys. When I stand in front of my window and look out, I see tall buildings, long roads full of vehicles moving in orderly lines, neat green hedges and lawns, and tidy pavements to walk on. Musharraf promised to end the old feudal system by which the same few dozen families controlled our entire country, and bring fresh young clean faces into politics. At least I didnt have to wear one. But the school had gone bankrupt, which perhaps should have made them think twice. Having so many people around made it hard to study. The shop would then sell it on at a profit. It breaks the book into sections and provides space for:SummaryComprehension QuestionsStudent Question/AnswerVocabulary EnrichmentGraphic Organizer or Tech ConnectionThis is a great unit that I use in my own classroom. grandfather had a cousin who also joined his school as a teacher. Explain at least three examples of how Malala's father broke from tradition before and . It is for those forgotten children who want education. Purchasing At that time my father was only twelve years old and too young to fight. Why should a girls life be ruined to settle a dispute she had nothing to do with? The other principals took paying bribes for granted, but my father argued that if all the schools joined together they could resist. He says he looked into my eyes after I was born and fell in love. Some of the female staff like Miss Ulfat would pick me up and put me on their lap as if I was their pet or even take me home with them for a while. I could see in his eyes that I had failed him. We would cry in terror, though in fact as toe and finger in Pashto is the same, we were all twenty-fingered, but we didnt realise. Written by Malala Yousafzai, this book was first published in 2013 by Little Brown & Company Company. The bus strained and laboured, the driver cursing as trucks overtook us on blind bends with steep drops below. Pisho, she would call. There his luck changed. He said he would only run the country for a short time, but no one believed him. Everyone thinks they can open a school just like that! The other people in the office laughed along, ridiculing him. My own grandfather narrowly escaped death in the riots when his train was attacked by Hindus on his way home from Delhi, where he had been studying. The school would be shut down as long as Malala's father was not hurt. The walls were concrete and there was running water so it was an improvement on our muddy shack, but we were still very cramped as we were sharing it with Hidayatullah and we almost always had guests. All rights are reserved by the publisher(s), author(s), and other parties involved. Our people see conspiracies behind everything, and many argued that the attack was actually carried out by Jews as an excuse for America to launch a war on the Muslim world. I bought it in the bazaar, she said. WELCOME TO PARADISE, it says on a sign as you enter the valley. One of her brothers was mentally ill and was always doing strange things like setting fire to their clothes or selling the electric fan we gave them to keep cool. emperor win back his throne after his own tribe removed him. She might even kill you. Her name means Queen of Light and she said she wanted to be Pakistans first female army chief. The education officer would call to arrange an inspection then give a detailed order for his lunch. There are 50 questions total. For many couples in arranged marriages this is the first time they see each others faces. You should go to the office, said Usman Bhai Jan. As he was speaking another young man in white approached the back of the van. The plan was to get his school going then, once it was successful, send for his wife. As my father was still teaching, Naeem wandered the streets looking for somewhere to rent. Analysis. Answer key is included. I Am Malala pdf file was added to this website on 03-12-2022 about 2 months ago and this pdf file is about 3.04 MegaByte (MB) in size. When my father refused, a bill arrived with a large fine. I had decided very early I would not be like that. For the first time my mother could buy nice clothes and even send out for food as she had dreamed of doing back in the village. Jobs. Our own founder, Jinnah, was a Shia, and Benazir Bhuttos mother was also a Shia from Iran. Her mother was a teacher at a different school, which was unusual as none of our mothers worked. He watched paralysed with fear as they almost touched the water. i am malala test pdf. If we advertise we wont be able to watch it. But my father is an optimistic man and never deterred by practicalities. I had started taking the bus because my mother was scared of me walking on my own. A. I had no idea what New York and America were. endstream endobj 402 0 obj <>stream In our province Maulana Sufi Mohammad, who had fought in Afghanistan against the Russians, issued a fatwa against the US. Then he would find she was at the hospital visiting someone who was ill, or had gone to help a family, so he could not stay cross. As a respected man in the community, my father was often called on to mediate feuds. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. } Thank you. When I opened my cupboard, I saw that all the things I had taken were gone. They destroyed an entire brigade, one of the worst defeats in the history of the British army. They say he was the first Pakistani leader to stand up for the common people, though he himself was a feudal lord with vast estates of mango fields. One of his pet hates was the ghost schools. He made us all laugh with his crazy stories. Only two escaped, and they fled to Peshawar along with their tribesmen. After a couple of rulers who did not work out, in 1917 the chiefs settled on a man called Miangul Abdul Wadood as their king. There are many stories that Lord Buddha himself came here because it is a place of such peace, and some of his ashes are said to be buried in the valley in a giant stupa. I would get very depressed and sometimes collapse seeing the problems all around us, said Hidayatullah, but when Ziauddin is in a crisis he becomes strong and his spirits high. My father insisted that they needed to think big. Malala Yousafzai's I Am Malala, published in 2013,is a gripping autobiography from a young woman who became an international advocate for girls' education. My friends later told me the gunmans hand was shaking as he fired. The local commander, General We lived in Mingora, the biggest town in the valley, in fact the only city. flocks of shaggy goats that wandered hither and thither. They had examples like, If out of 10 Russian infidels, 5 are killed by one Muslim, 5 would be left or 15 bullets 10 bullets = 5 bullets. s_8dTNR^NyR~>7XQA It was the ground floor of a two- storey building in a well-off area called Landikas with a walled courtyard where students could gather. They are very conservative and most of our madrasas are Deobandi. They said there had been a big attack on a building in New York. In Pakistan we were still under a dictatorship, but America needed our help, just as it had in the 1980s to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. Before then mullahs had almost been figures of fun my father said at wedding parties they would just hang around in a corner and leave early but under Zia they became influential and were called to Islamabad for guidance on sermons. A famous poem was written at that time by Rahmat Shah Sayel, the same Peshawar poet who wrote the poem about my namesake. Wed love to have you back! I Am Malala Book PDF 1 June 2022 Download Free Book PDF of I Am Malala, The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban Contents show In this another post we are going to share with you all I Am Malala Book, story of an inspiration to girls and women all over the world. I remember visiting them and feeling their longing. 4 ~A'}EpV4SES%vs7~}ghA&c?[ There are 50 questions total. web pages In it he argued that if you want to do good, but do it in a bad way, thats still bad. At first stealing gave me a thrill, but that did not last long. At the top of the steps was an open courtyard with doors to all the classrooms. This is a comprehensive test for the young reader's edition of Malala Yousafzai's autobiography, I am Malala. The word Malala means grief stricken "sad," but in order to lend some happiness to it, my grandfather would always call me Malala "The happiest girl in the world" and today I am very happy that we are together fighting for an important cause. As soon as the man had gone, Hidayatullah burst into laughter. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. On the day only eight or nine boys and girls turned up. : Since her rise to global fame in the early 2010s, Malala Yousafzai has made numerous appearances in American TV shows. He also liked to talk about politics. Even for the adults it was hard to imagine the biggest buildings in Swat are the hospital and a hotel, which are two or three storeys. The back where we sat had no windows, just thick plastic sheeting at the sides which flapped and was too yellowed and dusty to see through. But my country is centuries behind this one. On the way a boy on a bicycle crashed into me and my left shoulder hurt so much that my eyes watered. In 1969, the year my father was born, the wali gave up power and we became part of Pakistans North-West Frontier Province, which a few years ago changed its name to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The name was ironic and my father often laughed about it, but the organisations aim was serious: to preserve the environment of Swat and promote peace and education among local people. Glossary Acknowledgements Important Events in Pakistan and Swat A Note on the Malala Fund Picture Section Additional Credits and Thanks Copyright We knew many victims of feuds. This product contains a 40 question recall test featuring True/False, Matching and an Answer Key. When my father was at home, he and his friends sat on the roof at dusk and talked politics endlessly. People often call Swat the Switzerland of the East we even had Pakistans first ski resort. I had been delighted to have my own room, and my father had even bought me a dressing table to work on. Our people say it is a good system, and our crime rate is much lower than in non-Pashtun areas. I cook food. The bus was actually what we call a dyna, a white Toyota TownAce truck with three parallel benches, one along either side and one in the middle. The Afghans were so proud that the last Afghan king built a Maiwand victory monument in the centre of Kabul. Some were in the newspapers, some were notes or messages passed on by people. Find millions of free quizzes, PDF worksheets and tests on I am Malala Ch 6 and other topics A small boy was brought to sit on their laps to encourage the birth of a son. At school we learned that in 327 BC, even before the Buddhists came to Swat, Alexander the Great swept into the valley with thousands of elephants and soldiers on his way from Afghanistan to the Indus. Hidayatullah was furious. I close my eyes and for a moment I am back in my valley the high snow-topped mountains, green waving fields and fresh blue rivers and my heart smiles when it looks at the people of Swat. 6 Children of the Rubbish Mountain AS THE KHUSHAL School started to attract more pupils, we moved again and finally had a television. It was, he says, a kind of brainwashing. There are 27 questions in this assessment (10 True/False, 15 multiple choice, and 2 essay prompts) for a total of 35 points. When he got the job he gave his age as much younger than my grandfather. She teases him a lot and gives him advice about who she thinks is a genuine friend and who is not, and my father says she is always right. I didnt agree. Just along the street from our new house was an abandoned strip of land that people used as a rubbish dump there is no rubbish collection in Swat. You are the ones educating their children. He soon became president of the organisation and expanded it until it included 400 principals. I think there was some problem with hygiene in that muddy place, says my father. We did not know then that Musharraf was also letting the Americans use our airfields. :)This product now includes the Microsoft PowerPoint version of the unit so you may edit it, as needed. Pakistan took its place. Dont tell Aba, I begged. My father returned to the village every two or three weeks to see her. He promised he would make his own assets and tax return public. Mingora, the main city of Swat, but also those like the Taliban who think girls should not go to school. Some of them whistled, believing this would attract the fish. Up there we were higher than the rocky peaks all around us. There are still many pictures of him around. Nawaz Sharif was prime minister at the time and had fallen out with his army chief General Pervez Musharraf and sacked him. On our left was the tomb of Sher Mohammad Khan, the finance minister of the first ruler of Swat, all overgrown with grass, and on our right the snack factory. It is our tradition for the bride to receive furniture or perhaps a fridge from her family and some gold from the grooms family. Eucalyptus blossom blew into the house, coating everything white, and the wind carried the pungent smell of the rice fields. You take one or two minutes to utter just one sentence. Dont worry, replied my father. When my father was offered a place for his A Levels at Jehanzeb College, which is the best further education institution in Swat, my grandfather refused to pay for his living expenses. family thought people would gossip about us and say we were not properly following Pashtunwali. I have NOT included lesson plans in this unit. We like to put sacred texts in flowing waters, so I rolled it up, tied it to a piece of wood, placed a dandelion on top and floated it in the stream which flows into the Swat River. Dear God, I wrote, I know you see everything, but there are so many things that maybe, sometimes, things get missed, particularly now with the bombing in Afghanistan. Instead he just called himself Ziauddin Yousafzai, our clan name. After that, said my father, we were complete. They lavished praise on him. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Whenever he saw me he would greet me with a song as he was still concerned about the sad meaning of my name and wanted to lend some happiness to it: Malala Maiwand wala da. The description of the day of the shooting begins the book in the prologue and is also in Chapter 23. Watching TV C. Stealing D. Going to school 10. Her father said nothing. Of what did Malala suspect Safina of taking? We struggled to Mingora bus station, our bags laden with gifts for our family embroidered shawls and boxes of rose and pistachio sweets as well as medicine they could not get in the village. Since that day I have never lied or stolen. web pages Report Quiz. When I was born we were very poor. I will use it to make everyone happy. As soon as I finished praying, I would check the drawer. Yet she too got angry with him once. So he went to the school most days and actually tried to teach the children. He also spoke Persian and Arabic and cared deeply for words. He said that the Taliban had even banned women from laughing out loud or wearing white shoes as white was a colour that belonged to men. He said they had told him, Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists, and threatened to bomb us back to the Stone Age if we stood against them. Running a school is not a crime, he told them. It was published on 8 October 2013, by Weidenfeld & Nicolson in the UK and Little, Brown and Company in the US. Then we crammed in, fighting over the window seats even though the panes were so encrusted with dirt it was hard to see out of them. It was cramped with twenty girls and three teachers. Her hair was matted and her skin was covered in sores. Yet he says he was actually lucky. At night I would pray, God, give me Sanjus pencil. Together they studied all the thirty chapters of the Quran, not just recitation but also interpretation, something few boys do. Thats when he lifted up a black pistol. Interested in the book study guide? His beloved mother had died just before he graduated from school. As my father had found with Naeem, it is not easy to mix business and friendship. Safina started it, I protested. Besides he had seven other children to think about. There are a total of 195 pages in this PDF and it will take the average reader approximately 5.53 hours to read from start to finish. Young love! she shouted. We drove out of the bazaar, past the grinning red mouth signs for dentists, the carts stacked with wooden cages crammed with beady-eyed white chickens with scarlet beaks, and jewellery stores with windows full of gold wedding bangles. My father often used to recite the poem to me when I was a child but I didnt know then what it meant. In my dreams about the shooting my father is also in the bus and he is shot with me, and then there are men everywhere and I am searching for my father. But from an early age he had been a questioning kind of boy who rarely took anything at face value, even though our education at government schools meant learning by rote and pupils were not supposed to question teachers. My clothes were often from shops and not home-made like theirs. To be great is to be misunderstood: Although I Am Malala has garnered praise from readers and critics around the world, it hasnt been a success everywhere. I thought back to the children working on the rubbish heap. My father and his friends were disgusted. He had one much older brother, Saeed Ramzan who I call Uncle Khan dada, and five sisters. You'll see a "Provide feedback" button. Our house was in Gulkada, which means place of flowers, but it used to be called Butkara, or place of the They borrowed 30,000 rupees more to repaint the building, rented a shack across the road to live in and went from door to door trying to find students. He then took out the lump and presented it to my grandmother to give to my father, a little each day. As a guest, he was treated exceptionally well. I slept with my cousins Aneesa and Sumbul in a room which had a clock in the shape of a mosque and a cabinet on the wall containing a rifle and some packets of hair dye. When she was a teenager, both her father and the man she was supposed to marry were among thousands of Afghans fighting against the British occupation of their country. Shortly after that I found the perfect way to It was a long journey by bus, then an hours walk up the hill to where he lived. When she and her friends had discussed their dreams as young girls by the river, most had just said they wanted to marry and have children and cook for their husbands. Weve got exactly what youre looking for. The competition was always between me and my best friend Moniba, who had beautiful writing and presentation, which the examiners liked, but I knew I could beat her on content. My fathers cousin Jehan Sher Khan Yousafzai was one of the few who came to celebrate my birth and even gave a handsome gift of money. There are multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions. This product is a literature circle novel unit for the book, "I Am Malala." One girl commanded, Assaan bash! The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Our valley is full of fruit trees on which grow the sweetest figs and pomegranates and peaches, and in our garden we had grapes, guavas and persimmons. xSMo1U Our Butkara ruins were a magical place to play hide and seek. See a complete list of the characters inI Am Malalaand in-depth analyses of Malala Yousafzai, Ziauddin Yousafzai,Toor Pekai Yousafzai, and Malauna Fazlullah. The brides would wear exquisite clothes and be draped in gold, necklaces and bangles given by both sides of the family. 5 Why I Dont Wear Earrings and Pashtuns Dont Say Thank You BY THE AGE of seven I was used to being top of my class. In the far distance we could see the snows of Malam Jabba, our ski resort. From an early age I was interested in politics and sat on my fathers knee listening to everything he and his friends discussed. But all this time the mufti was watching. They had nowhere to sleep and no clean clothes to change into. Look, its one of those journalists coming to ask for an interview, said Moniba. They were forcing men to grow beards as long as a lantern and women to wear burqas. This next 'What Am I?' quiz is a fun quiz about jobs and occupations. "name": "Little Brown & Company" Many of our madrasas or religious schools were opened at that time, and in all schools religious studies, what we call deeniyat, was replaced by Islamiyat, or Islamic studies, which children in Pakistan still have to do today. Aside from corruption and bad government, my fathers main concern in those days was the environment. Or the day our kindergarten teacher Miss Ulfat told him I had written, Only Speak in Urdu, on the blackboard for my classmates at the start of an Urdu lesson so we would learn the language faster. The school was my world and my world was the school. "Q,2"f&`$st WO$"Sgu^6J6uJQnt2faXMyu 5x:D9@9>MUmt8o ^\[r)UyZe ;]c_ik\SU;J*m`~ %wCZBCyz{@&WQOQ52 |/-%KvW. 2023 - All rights reserved - PDFWhale.com, Elon Musk Tesla Spacex And The Quest For A Fantastic Future, In Order To Live A North Korean Girls Journey To Freedom. There are also 3 text-dependent questions that require more in-depth analysis. Her eyes would not meet mine. NOW DIGITAL! We couldnt see in front, but a young bearded man in light-coloured clothes had stepped into the road and waved the van down. God, give me strength and courage and make me perfect because I want to make this world perfect. I meet my best friend Moniba and we sit together, talking and joking as if I had never left. But when they went there to look for a building, there were banners everywhere advertising a school opening someone had beaten them to it. Little did we know that years later the same maulanas organisation would become the Swat Taliban. Most of the included questions require minimal interpretation of the text. So can he. Then, nearly five years later, another boy was born Atal, bright-eyed and inquisitive like a squirrel. There would be bowls of chicken, rice, local spinach and spicy mutton, all cooked over the fire by the women, followed by plates of crunchy apples, slices of yellow cake and a big kettle of milky tea. I came second. Description if Malala's injuries Shot in the head, missed the brain but shattered the bone around it and pushed bone fragments into the brain causing it to swell, deaf in her ear, the left side of her face . More books than SparkNotes. It would be better to plead, OK, shoot me, but first listen to me. on the Internet. Even my grandfather was proud. In olden times Swat was called Uddyana, which means garden. | All Pashtun children grow up with the story of how Malalai inspired the Afghan army to defeat the British in 1880 in one of the biggest battles of the Second Anglo-Afghan War. 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