Thats not unusual, but it was ironic in that most of what he had to saycentered on a great duck hunt he and some buddies had enjoyed in Mexico. Each gun can only contain 100 rounds of ammo. Some thoughts: Do not even think about crossing the border into Mexico from El Paso east to Laredo to Brownsville, where the whitetail hunting was once so fine. What wasnt tough were the lodging, the fresh seafood and friendliness we enjoyed in a nearby fishing village that managed to be both laidback and lively, and where no one treated us like tourists. In general, arranging a license and permit through a U.S. broker or a licensed Mexican Outfitter is a better option if you speak fluent Spanish. Citizenship is required. Mexico is best known for its massive desert mule deer, but it is also a good hunting destination for desert bighorn sheep and white-tail deer. Durango city, the capital of its namesake state, is much safer than the surrounding countryside, like most of the country. Located in the state of Oaxaca, the city is home to some stunning resorts that sit amongst nine different bays. In addition, hunters must have a permit if they plan to hunt migratory birds. Aside from a few hotspots of crime, most of Mexico is safe for tourists. There are some slammer mule deer bucks in Sonora right now, 180 inches to 200-plus,some with magical 30-inch-wide racks. Tulum is beautiful, and there is no reason to avoid it simply because of some scary stories. When travelers want to leave Cancun and see a different spot in Mexico, they only need to travel for a few hours before they arrive at Mrida. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Remington Model 700 American Hunter Rifle Project, Bringing Birds Back from MexicoWhat You Need to Know, NRA Women | New for 2022: 20-Gauge Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus, How to Tell Puddle Ducks From Diving Ducks | NRA Family, NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum | Voice of Leadership: onX Hunts Dogmen Video Examines Culture of the Quail Dog Handler, NRA Benefactor Michael Fuljenz Named ANA Dealer Of The Year | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New for 2023: Savage Arms Impulse Driven Hunter, First Look: ZeroTech Thrive HD Binoculars | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Launching 2023: KelTec R50 Rifle | NRA Family, New For 2023: Glock 47 MOS | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 11 New Ammo Options For 2023 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Savage Arms 110 PCS | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Davidson's Winchester Model 1895 Texas Ranger's Edition | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Colt King Cobra Target .22 LR | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Fiocchi USA Appoints David Blenker As New CEO After Anthony Acitellis Retirement | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Coyote Hunting Basics | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: Holosun SCS-MOS Green | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 3 Self Defense Myths That Just Won't Go Away | NRA Family, How to Select New Sights for Old Rifles | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Shotgunning 101: The Perfect Gun Mount | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Glass Bedding A Rifle Stock | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New 4473 Released By BATFE | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Member's Hunt: Road Trip | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Springfield Launches New Online Shopping Experience | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Sarco, Inc. 2nd Amendment Pint Glass | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Behind the Bullet: .17 HMR | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: 7th Edition Ammo Encyclopedia | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Fiocchi: Ammunition With Italian Flair | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Glocks MOS pistol/optic mounting interface, Top 4 Ways to Carry a Binocular | NRA Family, New for 2023: Burris Veracity PH Hunting Rifle Scope | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Mission First Tactical 24-oz. Jim Wilson, the American Riflemans field editor, lives just north of the border in West Texas and echoed those concerns. From mid-August to mid-October, doves migrate to Mexico, and from February to April, doves migrate to the United States. Es mas dangerosa!!!! Each year millions of these flying knuckleballs, migrate from South and Central America each summer to invade the grain fields of central Tamaulipas. If youre one of those brave travellers who want to experience all the fuss about Mexicos most gang-infested state, please do yourself a favour and visit the much safer Mazatln area. Travel at your own risk, and heres the number of a guy if you get in a jam, one officersaid. Awesome wing shooting is best during late summer and early fall. A signature was in the wrong place from the little Spanish I could gather. They said the situation was betterthere, but still risky and unpredictable. Rancho Mescalero, 100% American-owned and operated, is close to the feeding fields, making Whitewing dove hunting a short drive. As an NRA affiliate partner, Greg specializes in arranging hunting, fishing and shooting trips for NRA members. You couldnt pay me a million dollars to go down there, said another police officer. Mazatln is a beach town on the Pacific coast in the state of Sinaloa. From the sun-bleached buildings to sparkling Pacific waters, Los Cabos at first looks to be the ideal getaway. However, based on our own research, we have a resounding yes. As a metropolis within Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria hasnt got much going for it by way of tourism. Is Mexico safe to travel to right now? In March 2018, the governor of Nuevo Leon warned travellers crossing the Mexico-Texas border not to cross via Reynosas toll bridge due to violence. Some travelers might not have heard of Tlaxcala, and that is because it is not as big as some of the other states in Mexico. Although statistics within the cityhave decreased slightly, its still safer to be off the streets during nighthours. There have been reports of hunters being attacked by crocodiles, and even of shots being fired at them by disgruntled landowners. to address all the Situations there- our illustrious leadership obviously can not. State of Sinaloa, northeast, west, and northwest of El Fuerte, respectively, are Presa Huites, Presa Miguel Hidalgo, and Presa Josefa Ortiz de Domingues. The U.S. Department of State has issued a level 3 warning for the state of Durango, urging travellers to reconsider trips planned to the area. One of those places is Sayulita. As the ranking of Mexico on global tourism destinations implies, Mexico is a safe place to travel to if you're a tourist. I know its supposed to be safe in the resort areas but to me its still a No bueno. There are parts of the countryside that should be avoided due to somedodgy activity, especially highways in the northwest corner of the state, as listed on the State Departments website. Not big enough, though I was not cleared to shoot a muley anyway (read I had not spent enough money, as Coues aremuch cheaper to hunt than the coveted desert mule deer). Officials said it's too soon to calculate how the 2020 hunting surge will affect their budgets, but for once it won't be bad news. However the extra enforcement hasn't actually lowered the statistics they were intended to. Manyoutfitters and ranch managers have not been able to maintain improvements ontheir ranches, most notably not putting in water tanks. NAFTA has resulted in increased awareness of the hunting opportunities and resources available to hunters on both sides of the border, in the United States and in Canada. If you have trouble differentiating what stupid is in the United States, that should raise a red flag to not attempt to hunt Mexico. In the Culiacan vicinity, swarms of Geese, ducks, doves, quail, and blue pigeons are abundant in huge quantities. Mexico is an awesome place, but at the same time, there are some sketchy spots that can make people feel a bit unsafe while they are there. Mexico has a high rate of violent crime, including murder, robbery, sexual assault, kidnapping, and so on. I did see several mule deer in the lower elevations(the Coues stay high and the muleys low), including 2 bucks that would go 170 or so. The hacienda was charming and comfortable, and the very authentic and gourmet Mexican food was the best Id ever eaten (the Carne Asada was to die for). Many of the native species of Mexico were over-hunted during the last century, but thankfully, most of these have now rebounded well, due to intensive, conservative management. We saw some deer and a few bucks, but not as many we should have. That is what Id go back there to hunt if I had the money ($10,000). Outside of major cities, you should avoid traveling at night. Where Is The Best Dove Hunting In Mexico? Its not important if you think you are in the right or not. The Canadians were complete jerks at the border going up and then the Americans decided to completely rip our truck apart on the way home because they received a tip that some American hunters were trying to sneak drugs back across the border. The hunting License Cost is approx. That said, it is generally advisable to do some research and speak to locals before embarking on a hunting trip in Mexico (or anywhere else, for that matter). There are great quality rifles with Leupold and Zeiss optics available at the ranch so it is not necessary to go thru the hassle of temporary importation of firearms. It is a crime to enter Mexico with a firearm or even just one round of ammunition. Huatulco. La Marina Del Rio, in addition to being the best wingshooting facility in Mexico and North America, is home to thousands of migrating ducks as well as a massive nesting area for whitewing doves. According to, Puebla is the fourth largest city there. When interviewing past clients of the lodge or outfit, use common sense questions. Semi-automatic pistols or revolvers of a caliber no larger than that of the general public are generally the only firearms permitted for private citizens. The areas of Saltillo, Bosques de Monterreal, and Parras de la Fuente remain safe for foreigners, however most of the countryside, highways, and other cities should be avoided if possible. Illegally bringing firearms or ammunition into Mexico is strictly prohibited by the Mexican Federal Law. Is it safe to huntthere now? I wondered what that meant for me, and my wallet. In January, I flew into Hermosillo and immediately ran a snag. The delay at the airport cost us. In the warm waters of the Pacific and the Gulf of California, anglers test their gear and skill on marlin black, blue, and striped, as well as sailfish and dorado (dolphin). The Mexican government has licensed sport hunting as part of its program to encourage wildlife management, according to SEMARNAP (Secretariat of the Environment, Natural Resources, and Fisheries). There have been incidents in the past where hunters have been attacked or even killed, so its important to be prepared and to know what youre getting into. Now, common sense Firearms laws, for the most part, are in place, to still protect the public and allow for the proper importation of firearms and ammunition required for sporting use. That said, certain Mexican states and cities are conversely infamous for cartel activity and violence. The border corridor where hunting takes place is dangerous, but outfitters who stay with their clients during the hunt and stay straight to camp avoid direct contact with the locals. Soldiers, Jorge said casually as he rolled down his window. But believe me I hear you brother its no doubt risky everywhere u go down there.! According to, some people want to know whether or not Tulum is a safe part of Mexico. Posts: 6,881. The consulate certificate may be obtained from any Mexican embassy or consulate upon presentation of a letter from the hunters local police or sheriffs office (on original police letterhead) verifying that the hunter has no criminal record. Do some research on what kind of hunting is available in Mexico and compare your options. Explore The Music Scene In Tijuana Baja California: Check Out The Top Headliners In The City, Explore The Cost Of Tijuana Hotel Tickets Discover The Discounts And Tips For The Best Experience, Exploring Tijuana: Exploring The Convenient Stops Of Tourismo Express In Downtown Tijuana, Exploring A Vegan Lifestyle In Tijuana: Delicious Vegan-Friendly Options And Tips For A Plant-Based Diet. Many other areas in the Northwestern Region of Mexico offer tremendous opportunities for hunting Mexico. Sinaloa is notorious for its gang presence, often called Mexicos drug capital. One would think crime would be high because of that, but this is actually a very safe spot in Mexico. We grilled burritos over an open flame for lunch, and then lay in the sunny desert for afternoon siesta. It seems that a great amount of the people who wish to go to Mexico also want to go to the beaches that are located there. 2023 Tour By Mexico. As a whole, Mexico is generally safe for travelers if you take proper precautions, do your research, and use your head. Can Coolers | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. Ultimately I was ushered through customs and away we went for camp. To hunt for foreign nationals, they must have a diplomatic license, a special visa, and a military gun permit. Would it be safe? It is possible to own a firearm that has been registered and is kept at home. Use common sense questions when interviewing past clients of the lodge or outfit. Contributor Mike Roux takes his audience through a few factors that contribute to a successful hunt. It is still relatively common for crime to occur in certain parts of the city, but there are few major clusters. Mexico has a great number of doves from early August to mid-September, and there are no restrictions. Chihuahua and its cities battle with all manner of illicit activities. Call me a sissy, but I enjoy breathing. Indeed. In Mexico, you can hunt all manner of animals, including brocket deer and ocellated turkey, which are not found anywhere else in North America. Jan 17, 2018. A wide array of trophy game animals, as well as birds, may be legally harvested in certain areas of Mexico. We drive ourselves to the ranch on the way in we cross over using the Colombia Bridge for several reasons, mainly because it keeps us from having to drive thru the city of Nuevo Laredo but the owners will meet hunters on the US side of the border and drive ahead of you to the ranch if requested. Cuernavaca, the capital, is a city of gardens and should be on any visitors list for perfectly preserved colonial architecture just half an hours drive from Mexico City. You work with your outfitter in Mexico who works with the government to get the paperwork right. European settlers brought their hunting traditions to Mexico five hundred years ago. This requirement will be discussed with you by your Hunting License Agent. Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions. "That means 9.5 million families depend on you having a wonderful time in Mexico . Plan your travel to arrive and depart Sonora in daytime only, whether driving down from Arizona or flying through Hermosillo. I recommend trying to stick to tourist-friendly events to take part in, and book everything through official partnerships and guides. Read on for his take on this Thai-inspired fusion dish. From the 1970s through the 1990s, Mexico was a deer hunters paradise: Cheap to travel there, lease land, stay in a hacienda on a ranch for a few weeks each January (when the weather is perfect and the bucks rut) and shoot big deer. Is Mexico Safe Fall 2022 The current U.S. political climate toward Mexico has caused both warranted and unwarranted safety and security concerns from U.S. tourists after the dismantling of the National Mexican tourism board in May of 2019. There is a lack of attractions suitable for tourists and cartel involvement has gone uprecently. This area is very popular for hunting Canada goose, various duck species (canvasback, mallard, pintail, redhead, teal, widgeon, and others), quail, and white-wing dove. There has been a major increase in bad behaviour within the city, where violence has long been prevalent. And what an adventure it was! It is illegal in Mexico to own or carry a gun in two different situations. In the cattle country of Yucatans northern coastal plain, habitat conditions are ideal for the native black-throated bobwhite quail. Passport) if not, your voters registration card accompanied by a photocopy of your drivers license will suffice. To date we have never experienced anything remotely approaching a threatening or unsafe incident. Despite State Department warnings, I went on and found myself in the middle of a hunt of a lifetime. The wildlife of Mexicos jungle is unique in North America, with species such as red and gray-brown brocket deer and ocellated turkey. Although Nayarit has relatively moderate levels of illicit activity compared to other states, its capital, Tepic, is plagued by gangs. Even if you speak perfect Spanish, you are better off arranging the license and permits through a U.S. broker or a licensed Mexican Outfitter, which specializes in the State that you are hunting. It takes place in broad daylight, even in resort areas, and innocents can get in the way of rival gangs. Once a shining beacon of neon nightclubs and echoing music for residents of El Paso, Texas, which shares a border with Juarez, its tourism has been entirely stubbed out. The ranch owners are very proud of the property, their staff and the quality of the hunting experience at Los Apaches. "There are 9.5 million people in Mexico employed in the tourism industry," Lanczyner said. And even if you did make it into northeasternMexico where the whitetail hunting used to be so fabulous, youd be taking your life into your own hands. Its also Mexicos unofficial worst city for women. Never ran into any issues but when the ranch . Primarily, in Nuevo Leon, the best area is located directly southwest of the city of Nuevo Laredo. Guide-staff are expert ocellated hunters with a deep knowledge of the region. To obtain a hunting permit in Mexico, you must first obtain a permit from SEMARNAP, the federal agency that oversees Mexicos natural resources. RELATED:Anyone Traveling To Mexico Shouldn't Ignore These 12 Facts. Hunting in Mexico is conducted on both private ranches and government reserves, and wildlife has been generally well managed in recent years, resulting in healthy populations of the most desirable game animals. When picking each safe place, we consulted the 2020 Mexico Peace Index from Vision of Humanity and US State Department reports for Mexico travel advisories, then refined our list based on a remote worker's needs. No more. These areas include national parks, reserves, and protected areas. Please include the full name and date of the person. Kirstie has been writing for various websites since 2016, and she studied journalism and psychology at Jones County Junior College and The University Of Southern Mississippi. Southern Kolorado. According to, this is one of many safe places for a person to be when they are in Mexico. They are present during your hunt, dine and socialize with you. I resolved to tackle the risk head-on before surrendering the freedom to live my life the way I choose. Remember, you are guilty till proven innocent in Mexico. Travel warnings for Mexico are published by the United States Department of State on a regular basis. The U.S. State Department has advised anyone living in Mexico to return to the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, and advises Americans to not travel internationally during this time. Driving outside the city is considered risky and foreigners are advised against traveling at night. NEXT:10 Safest Vacation Destinations In Mexico (5 Not Worth Considering). If you want to hunt in Mexico, you must contact the federal agency in charge of the countrys natural resources, SEMARNAP. The U.S. State Department has elevated travel advisories due to crime in several Mexican states popular with tourists. Honestly, it is the only issue I have ever encountered while hunting at Los Apaches. Families dont want to travel with their children and tourists dont want to leave their hotels at night. Cost is somewhat expensive, but when measured with the risk of going to prison for smuggling shotgun shells into Mexico to save a few lousy dollars, the cost is cheap. The city is part of the Zetas cartel territory, who have turned toactivities like extortion and carjacking in order to earn more money. Additionally, Mexican Federal Firearms laws have recently been relaxed regarding some infractions of the law, which were earlier punishable by mandatory prison terms. One of the popular spots in Mexico that a lot of people really love to visit is Cancun. I would not hunt deer or turkey in certain areas of Sonora where I have hunted in the past, but I would return to other areas of Arizona. Located on Mexicos Gulf side and bordering part of Texas, the state is ranked as dangerous as war-torn countries. There is a high risk of kidnapping and extortion. One of those places is Sayulita. That was the question I kept getting from family and friends in the run up to the hunt. Its come a long way from being known as the setting for the ideal college spring break, perfect for backpackers looking for some of Latin Americas most wicked hiking spots and history lovers in search of Mayan ruins. In fact, all of Mexico's popular tourist areas are relatively safe, so whether you're traveling for the beach or the culture, you can be assured you'll be welcomed and safe. Adequate time should be invested in contacting Tourist Bureau offices for names of recommended outfitters in the area. A gun license is required in order to carry a firearm, with many exceptions, such as police, army, navy, and special sports participants. USD is the payment method for your gun permit. Answer (1 of 6): Is it safe to travel to Mexico in 2020? I also killed a 158 whitetail that weighed about 115 pounds at 5 years of age small body big antlers when he laid at my feet I rough scored him over 170 as I was not used to such small bodies combed with large racks. And its the same sentiment from practically every other hunter I know who has actually been there. Rule #1, that rifle permit needs to be in order, and you need to keep it on your person at all times. Globally, it ranks at number 19 in the list of countries with the highest . For different perspectives, come back next week for the third and final installment in this series. On the Caribbean Coast, huge numbers of Atlantic sailfish congregate in the spring through April through June, as well as other game fish such as wahoo and dorado making Illa Mujeres and Cozumel renowned destinations for sport fishermen. bobwhite quail, hunting in mexico, hunting quail, john zent, John Zent's Gun Culture, traveler safety, upland bird hunting. This brush country is full of trophy white-tail deer of a lifetime, and plentiful blue quail. Get Tahmoorissi out of jail. Acapulcos fall from grace is one of the most devastating in Mexico. If theres one city to avoid at all costs, its Cuidad Juarez. Having this knowledge is essential for you to ensure that your upcoming hunting trip in this country will not result in fines and penalties. If yours is low, Barbara Crown advised against going. #4. Furthermore, they might run into some people that enjoy cliff-diving in Mexico. Call me one of the real dumb gringos I guess. Some people may be concerned about hunting in Mexico in light of recent violence against foreigners in the state of Chihuahua. Mexico is a safe country to travel alone. Each persons tolerance for risk varies. A maximum of 2 rifles or shotguns per hunter is allowed, and guns may be accompanied by no more than 2 boxes of American shells per gun (50 shells per gun). A gun license is required in order to carry a firearm, with many exceptions, such as police, army, navy, and special sports participants. That is because this area, in general, is pretty safe, so travelers can safely enjoy beaches there. Some of them probably just want to see the other parts of that place, which is totally fine. The situation in Mexico is constantly evolving, so its hard to give a definitive answer to the question of whether it is safe to hunt there in 2021. And the situation has spilled over to 2020 as crime has exceeded 2019 records in Sonora, Mexico. Youre best to err on the side of caution here andnot plan a visit. Its position on the U.S. border also contributes to the danger in the area as cartels strategically use border states to smuggle drugs. This certificate is also necessary for obtaining military gun permits, which are issued by the army garrison in the major border town in the Mexican State in which you are going to hunt. My brother and I got these a few years ago on a ranch that belongs to a friend of a friend of a friend on DIY hunt near Caborca Sonora. The second Baja California Sur city on this list, La Paz is, at first glance, a good-looking seaside city like Los Cabos, which makes the rising illicit activity rate a sobering statistic in the previously calm state. Do double-check your car or truck for extra ammo or unlicensed weapons, prior to your entry into Mexico. It is usually possible to take a cape and a horn with you after the hunt if they have been thoroughly cleaned and dried. Mexico is now the preferred destination for desert bighorn sheep and huge desert mule deer, as well as the only place in North America where the elusive brocket deer can be hunted. A common misconception is that Mexico isn't safe for tourists, but it can be if you know the right places to visit And we've got a list. Several tourist destinations, like Mexico City, Sayulita and Cancun, now have warnings related to. The state of Coahuila in Mexico is a good hunting destination for trophy white-tail deer and doves. A list of Licensed Outfitters can be requested from any Mexican Consulate in the State you are going to hunt. Use these tags to read more related posts and reviews: Visit Puebla, one of the most popular destinations in Mexico. All rights reserved, Exploring The Crime Rate In Downtown Tijuana: Causes And Solutions, Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Taking A Cab To Tijuana, How To Teach Conversational English In Tijuana, Tijuanas Pollution: Exploring The Impact On Californias Environment, Exploring Baja Californias Wineries: A Guide To Making The Most Of Your Trip From Tijuana To The Mexican Vineyards. "This buys us one more year where we can feel safe and continue doing conservation and population management," said Ian Malepeai, marketing manager at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. He loved the hotel where they stayed, and felt . To enter Mexico with a gun youget a permit from the Secretary of National Defense. A number of Mexican cities, including Acapulco, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, and Ixtapa, are generally thought to be among the most secure for solo female travelers. 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