Nature 414:773–776, Zioupos P (2001) human bone: factors affecting its biomechanical properties and the role of collagen. In this work, we investigate the effect of different doses of several drugs, used nowadays in osteoporotic patients, on the evolution of bone density after dental implantation. The validity of this model is shown in this study based on analysis of the bones of vitamin B6-deficient and vitamin B6-replete chick bones. Biochem J 310:1045–1051, Kuypers R, Tyler M, Kurth LB, Jenkins ID, Horgan DJ (1992) Identification of the loci of the collagen-associated Ehrlich chromogen in type I collagen confirms its role as a trivalent cross-link. The objective of this work is (i) to evaluate the effects of two running protocols (continuous vs. intermittent) on the parameters of bone quality and bone metabolism, and (ii) to evaluate the preventive effects of these running protocols on bone repair in Wistar rats. Identification of a beta-isomerized Asp-Gly sequence within the C-terminal telopeptide (alpha1) region. Succinimide-linked reactions that contribute to protein degradation. Crosslinks (posttranslational modifications of collagen), Glycation (advanced glycation end products), Correspondence to Rheumatology (Oxford) 40:315–323, Segrest JP, CunninghamLW (1970) Variations in human urinary O-hydroxylysyl glycoside levels and their relationship to collagen metabolism. ... (47) AGEs exponentially increases with age and with senescence of tissues. Collagen forms a living web-like protein matrix. Methods Enzymol 144:115–139, Hanson DA, Eyre DR (1996) Molecular site specificity of pyridinoline and pyrrole crosslinks in type I collagen of human bone. Proteins which do not present a single cooperative system. Mature bone is composed of proteins and minerals. The modulus of elasticity shows how stiff the bone material is. Biochem J 131:771–780, Eyre DR, Paz MA, Gallop PM (1984) Cross-linking in collagen and elastin. Phosphorylated Smad3 was detected by immunoprecipitation/Western blotting and confocal microscopy. The results of this study indicate that the toughness and strength of bone decreases significantly with increasing collagen denaturation, whereas the elastic modulus of bone is almost constant irrespective of collagen denaturation. Bone density and bone strength are highly but imperfectly corre- ... a plausible biological role might be hypothesized. This review describes the interactions of type I collagen with the mineral and the contribution of the orientations of the collagen fibers when the bone is submitted to mechanical forces. Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol 70:1–32, Atsawasuwan P, Mochida Y, Parisuthiman D, Yamauchi M (2005) Expression of lysyl oxidase isoforms in MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells. Curr Opin Struct Biol 9:122–128, Koivu J, Myllyla R, Helaakoski T, Pihlajaniemi T, Tasanen K, Kivirikko KI (1987) A single polypeptide acts both as the beta subunit of prolyl 4-hydroxylase and as a protein disulfide-isomerase. To illustrate the role of the crosslinking process of collagen in bone strength, clinical disorders associated with bone collagen abnormalities and bone fragility, such as osteogenesis imperfecta and osteoporosis, are described. Osteoporos Int 14:S29-S36, Fantner GE, Birkedal H, Kindt JH, Hassenkam T, Weaver JC, Cutroni JA, Bosma BL, Bawazer L, Finch MM, Cidade GA, Morse DE, Stucky GD, Hansma PK (2004) Influence of the degradation of the organic matrix on the microscopic fracture behavior of trabecular bone. 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Since earlier histomorphometri c studies had demonstrated that the B6-deficient bones were osteopenic, these data suggest that although proper cortical bone mineralization occurred, the alterations of the collagen resulted in changes to bone mechanical performance. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. The results of this study indicate that the toughness and strength of bone decreases significantly with increasing collagen denaturation, whereas the elastic modulus of bone is almost constant irrespective of collagen denaturation. J Bone Miner Res 11:931–937, Miyata T, Kawai R, Taketomi S, Sprague SM (1996) Possible involvement of advanced glycation end-products in bone resorption. To illustrate the role of the crosslinking process of collagen in bone strength, clinical disorders associated with bone collagen abnormalities and bone fragility, such as osteogenesis imperfecta and osteoporosis, are described. Part of Springer Nature. In some places, for example in the skin, collagen proteins form fibrous networks that are very elastic. The rest is water and matrix, which is formed before the mineral is deposited, and can be considered the scaffolding … Bone c ollagen is the living p rotein matrix laid down by bone-building osteoblast cells. Clin Biochem. J Biol Chem 272:9755–9763, Roher AE, Lowenson JD, Clarke S, Wolkow C, Wang R, Cotter RJ, Reardon IM, Zurcher-Neely HA, Heinrikson RL, Ball MJ (1993) Structural alterations in the peptide backbone of beta-amyloid core protein may account for its deposition and stability in Alzheimer’s disease. It can be found in our skin, bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, hair, nails - in short, in almost every tissue in our body. Matrix Biol 16:387–398, Maki JM, Tikkanen H, Kivirikko KI (2001) Cloning and characterization of the fifth human lysyl oxidase enzyme: the third member of the lysyl oxidase related subfamily with four scavenger repector cystein-rich domains. These processes progressively lead to cardiovascular dysfunction during aging. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Although several studies demonstrate a high success rate of dental implants in osteoporotic patients, it is also known that the healing time and the failure rate increase, necessitating the adoption of pharmacological measures to improve bone quality in those patients. Effect of proteolytic cleavage on fibrillogenesis and on collagen-collagen interaction in fibers. These effects also depend on the bone (tibia vs. femur). Trends Genet 20:33–43, Article  The amounts, properties and organization of bone constituents at tissue level, are known to influence its mechanical properties. At the molecular level it has been shown that homotrimer of type I collagen found in bone tissue of some patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is characterized by decreased mechanical competence compared to the regular … However, the ATP-dependent K+ channel opener minoxidil has been shown to stimulate elastin expression in vitro and in vivo in the aorta of young adult rats. By X. Wang, R.A. Bank, J.M. In some places, for example in the skin, collagen proteins form fibrous networks that are very elastic. Overview of attention for article published in Osteoporosis International, December 2005. We have previously demonstrated that endothelial-mesenchymal-transition (EndoMT), It has been shown that diabetic patients have bone fragility independent of bone mineral density. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 28:1297–1310, Sanada H, Shikata J, Hamamoto H, Ueba Y, Yamamuro T, Takeda T (1978) Changes in collagen cross-linking and lysyl oxidase by estrogen. The role of collagen in determining bone mechanical properties . Bone is made up of a mixture of collagen and a mineral called hydroxyapatite. Current study is novel in examining bone tissue in T2D following first hip fragility fracture. It can be found in our skin, bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, hair, nails – in short, in almost every tissue in our body. Eur J Clin Invest 25:959–966, Kowitz J, Knippel M, Schuhr T, Mach J (1997) Alteration in the extent of collagen I hydroxylation, isolated from femoral heads of women with a femoral neck fracture caused by osteoporosis. The e ects of collagen on bone strength and hardness have been demonstrated in many studies [4,8,19,40,41]. Remodeling also plays an important role in the healing of bone fractures. With this aim, we use a pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) mathematical model that includes the effect of antiresorptive drugs on the RANK/RANK-L/OPG pathway, as well as the mechano-chemical coupling with external mechanical loads. In conclusion, this study brings mechanical and physicochemical values for osteoid and mineral phases. PTH also increased significantly the amount of total … Bone quality is dependent on the spatial distributions in the shape, size and composition of bone constituents (mineral, collagen and water). Biochim Biophys Acta 760:97–103, Markesbery WR (1997) Oxidative stress hypothesis in Alzheimer’s disease. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. 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Samples treated with NaOCl showed a significant reduction in hardness. The role of collagen in bone strength. These results suggest that the collagen network plays an important role in the toughness of bone, but has little effect on the stiffness of bone. 49th annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Garnero P, Proust Y, Borel O, Gineyts E, Duboeuf F, Solberg H, Delmas P (2003) Collagen crosslinking modifies the mechanical properties of cortical bone. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 185:801–805, Harwood R, Grant ME, Jackson DS (1974) Collagen biosynthesis. To illustrate the role of the crosslinking process of collagen in bone strength, clinical disorders associated with bone collagen abnormalities and bone fragility, such as osteogenesis imperfecta and osteoporosis, are described. J Neurosci Res 70:451–461, Turner CH, Burr DB (1993) Basic biomechanical measurements of bone: a tutorial. 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Approximately 60% the weight of the bone is mineral, mainly calcium and phosphate. Different processes of maturation of collagen occur in bone, which can result either from enzymatic or nonenzymatic processes. Bioch Pharma 3:181–183, Lees S, Barnard S, Mook H (1987) Neutron studies of collagen in lathyritic bone. Associating different types of running is more beneficial to bone health than just one. Eur J Biochem 224:943–950, Niyibizi C, Eyre DR (1989) Bone type V collagen: chain composition and location of a trypsin cleavage site. Adv Protein Chem 35:1–104, Bella J, Brodsky B, Berman HM (1995) Hydration structure of a collagen peptide. Mech Ageing Dev 106:1–56, Eyre DR, Glimcher MJ (1973) Analysis of a crosslinked peptide from calf bone collagen: evidence that hydroxylysyl glycoside participates in the crosslink. J Biomech 12:459–469, Currey JD (1988) The effect of porosity and mineral content on the Young’s modulus of elasticity of compact bone. 1). All the small compact globular proteins represent cooperative systems; they exhibit an extreme cooperativity that integrates the whole of their structure into a single structural unit. The relationship … Osteoporosis International Arch Biochem Biophys 350:61–71, Saido TC, Iwatsubo T, Mann DM, Shimada H, Ihara Y, Kawashima S. (1995) Dominant and differential deposition of distinct beta-amyloid peptide species, A beta N3(pE), in senile plaques. Moreover, submicron topographical changes of dental implants induced by oxalic acid improve bone quality based on bone maturation and increased production of type I collagen surrounding dental implants in the late stage after implant placement. Int J Pept Protein Res 30:808–821, Maroudas A, Bayliss MT, Uchitel-Kaushansky N, Schneiderman R, Gilav E (1998) Aggrecan turnover in human articular cartilage: use of aspartic acid racemization as a marker of molecular age. This mechano-PK/PD model is then used to analyze the evolution of bone in normal and osteoporotic mandibles after dental implantation with different drug dosages. Because BPs have high affinity to bone mineral and lining the walls of the osteocyte lacunae, the accumulation of matrix bound BPs in AFF could lead to inhibition of the osteocyte cytoskeleton blunting their response to Google Scholar, Barnes MJ, Constable BJ, Morton LF, Kodicek E (1971) Hydroxylysine in the N-terminal regions of the 1- and 2-chains of various collagens. Anal Biochem 253:26–32, Moro L, Romanello M, Favia A, Lamanna MP, Lozupone E (2000) Posttranslational modifications of bone collagen type I are related to the function of rat femoral regions. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Bone quality--the material and structural basis of bone strength and fragility. We need sufficient collagen to ensure bone strength throughout our lifetime. Google Scholar, Koivu J 1987 Identification of disulphides bonds in carboxy-terminal propeptides of human type I procollagen. 49th annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Wu P, Koharski C, Nonnemann H, Vashishth D (2003) Loading of non-enzymatically glycated and damaged bone results in an instantaneous fracture. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 63:67–118, Kivirikko KI, Myllyharju J (1998) Prolyl 4-hydroxylases and their protein disulfide isomerase subunit. To test the hypothesis that the collagen network plays a significant role in sustaining the toughness of bone, whereas the mineral phase primarily imparts stiffness to bone, we used a heating model that may induce collagen denaturation without damaging the mineral phase of bone. Irreversible changes take place at yield, caused by microdamage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 327:1042–1046, Wang SX, Mure M, Medzihradszky KF, Burlingame AL, Brown DE, Dooley DM, Smith AJ, Kagan HM, Klinman JP (1996) A crosslinked cofactor in lysyl oxidase: redox function for amino acid side chains Science 273:1078–1084, Robins SP, Shimokomaki M, Bailey AJ (1973) The chemistry of the collagen crosslinks. Conclusions These modifications of collagen are age-related and may impair the mechanical properties of bone. Osteomalacia is a pathological bone condition consisting in a deficient primary mineralization of the matrix, leading to an accumulation of osteoid tissue and reduced bone mechanical strength. Micron 32:251–260, Fratzl P, Paris O, Klaushofer K, Landis WJ (1996) Bone mineralization in an osteogenesis imperfecta mouse model studied by small-angle x-ray scattering. As part of the refinement of animal models, the use of the tibia would be more suitable to study bone healing than the femur. Euthanasia was performed 4 and 8 weeks post-implant placement. - BOSKEY, 1T.M. To illustrate the role of the cross-linking process of collagen in bone strength, clinical disorders associated with bone collagen abnormalities and bone fragility, such as osteogenesis imperfecta and osteoporosis, are described. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Bone is a complex tissue of which the principal function is to resist mechanical forces and fractures. Biochem J 252:495–500, Eyre DR, Oguchi H (1980) The hydroxypyridinium crosslinks of skeletal collagen: their measurement, properties and a proposed pathway of formation. It lives in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of your bones and is involved in regulating a number of processes that contribute to bone growth; these include: Regulating cell adhesion, the ability of your cells to bind to one another Previous studies indicated that thermal degradation of the organic matrix resulted in decreased elasticity and toughness [55][56][57][58][59][60]. It is reported that advanced glycation end products(AGEs)collagen cross-links, low bone turnover with osteoblastic dysfunction, and abnormality of microarchitectures such as cortical porosity and deterioration of. Are age-related and may impair the mechanical properties of the cartilage in your body, Paz the role of collagen in bone strength Palumbo! Amount of total … the role of collagen and other diabetes complications representing..., Marotti G, Kable E, Jones a, Traldi P, Fedele D ( 2005 Importance! Kulonen E ( 1960 ) collagen family proteins Bachinger HP ( 1987 ) collagen and! 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